Saturday, June 30, 2012

30 Day Sibling Challenge - Day Thirty


Day Thirty – The Greatest Command
 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:30-31).

When asked what the most important commandment was Jesus replied with the verses above. They are first love God with everything you have then love your neighbor as yourself.

Quite simple. We cannot love others well if we do not first love God. We cannot love others well if we do not have an unshakable knowledge of His great love for us. Do you have an understanding of just how great God’s love is for you? Do you love Him?

Once we have this settled we can freely love our neighbor. So who qualifies as our neighbor? Our siblings do for sure! They are our closest neighbor. Then extending beyond our home is our next door neighbor then those in the town we live in then beyond. How well are you loving?

Remember this is no task that can be done in your own strength. You must die to yourself and rely on God’s power in you to love others well.

I do hope this 30 day experiment has helped you! I would love to hear. Keep your eyes on Jesus and you will do well with one another. Keep the bigger picture in mind. We are working for Christlikeness. The Holy Spirit will work this in us. Eternity is what matters. Keep focused and walk it out. Keep peace in your home. Love your family well.

Today’s Action
Do a random act of kindness today or this week toward your sibling(s) that would show them love.

Parent’s Action
You can try this too. Please let me know how this experiment worked out for you.

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