Tuesday, June 5, 2012

30 Day Sibling Challenge - Day Five


Day 5 – Freedom from Sin in Him
“Through Christ everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses.” Acts 13:39

Sibling strife all boils down to a sin problem in our hearts. We must take responsibility of our own ill will toward our brother or sister and take it to Jesus. He in turn has taken those on the cross, He died for them and we are considered righteous through His death.

Any sin we commit He has already paid the penalty. He extends us grace to start fresh. We must believe by faith that He has already done what needs to be done with our sin. We cannot earn a right standing with Him even so we cannot earn a right standing with our brother or sister. We must be people who freely extend grace to one another like Christ did for us.

Jesus was the only person in history who was completely innocent but died for all of our sins anyway. Now that is self-less love. He did not blame us for it but freely poured His life out covering it by His blood. We can get this no other way but through Him. We are free. He holds no grudges.

Because Christ freely gives by extending us forgiveness and grace for our sin, we must do the same to our brothers or sisters. We are set free from sinning and must make the right choice. We must know God loves us so much that we would want to do the right thing because we love Him that same way back.

Do you love Him? Have you thanked Him for dying for your personal sins? Aren’t you glad that you do not have to be the Savior? It is complete when you believe by faith. Now that is great love. The only One who has a right to hold a grudge does not do it. We do not have the right to do it either.

Today’s Action
Take time today to think about what you might be holding on to as a grudge against your sibling(s). Take time to make peace about it.

Parents Action
Be sure to make this a safe environment for them to do this activity. You can take this time to search your heart as well and see where you can make peace. It starts with you. Be certain you don’t have any issues in your heart against your children or husband. If so take the time to make this right.

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