Friday, June 15, 2012

30 Day Sibling Challenge - Day Fifteen


Day Fifteen – Meek!
But the fruit of the Spirit is …meekness. Galatians 5:23

This component of fruit is a teachable spirit. Do you have this? It is the quality of not demanding your own rights or having a superior attitude over others. How do you treat your siblings? Are you able to accept correction? Are you able to listen to others points of views in love?

This is what this character is all about. How do you show this fruit toward your siblings? I think this is the one that is lacking most in my house at the moment. I see the siblings not wanting to be wrong so they refuse to have a teachable spirit toward one another. If they would only stop and listen to each other’s wisdom they might find a resolution.

After all when there are two or more parties that disagree there has to be a moment of coming to some sort of agreement. If you do not have a teachable spirit you will not find yourself able to resolve conflicts. This creates more strife. Submit this to God. Die to your own desires and live in the Spirit of meekness toward your family.

Galatians 6:1 states, “Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.”

The word for gently there means in meekness. If we see our brothers or sisters in some sort of sin we should be willing and able to gently restore them or warn them in love. Do you do this?

Today’s Action
Because we are looking at meekness today I want you to ask your sibling what they think you could use work in as far as teach ability goes. In other words where do you need to be gentler with them?

Parent’s Action
Again, help them in this and ask God where you yourself can be more teachable. Share with your kids. They need to see God working on you as well.

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