Monday, June 11, 2012

30 Day Sibling Challenge - Day Eleven


Day Eleven – Be Patient My Dear
But the fruit of the Spirit is ….Patience. Galatians 5:22

Patience is truly something that was the most difficult for me when dealing with my little brother. He was so SLOW! Oh and how I hated waiting on him. I bet you have had to deal with this as well with your sibling(s). You cannot go anywhere or do something until all parties are ready. Oh this would drive me crazy! However, as I became a teenager I think I got back at him because doing my hair and makeup became the source of patience for him. Despite how annoying the people that God places in our life are, we need to learn from them. God has hand chosen our family specifically to help you grow more and more like Him. God is very intentional in this way.

Ephesians 4:2 commands us, “Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.”

Because of the love we have for one another we need to be patient. We need to let that love cover over their faults. Don’t we want them to love us enough to overlook our faults?

Romans 2:4 states, “Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?”

Don’t you love God’s loving kindness and patience toward you? Imagine if you treated your sibling the same way God treats you and your sin? What would that do to your relationship?

Today’s Action
Today I want you to let kindness rule. I want you to overlook those things that annoy you choosing patience over annoyance. Think of how God has done this for you over and over. At the end of the day tell a parent one thing you did to follow this action. You can discuss it together as a family if it is done in kindness and light heartedness. 

Parent’s Action
Help them with this. We do not want any hard feelings coming out. However if it is light hearted like saying something like, you left your plate on our desk but instead of yelling at you like I do each day I overlooked it because it does not help our relationship…Etc.

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