Monday, June 25, 2012

30 Day Sibling Challenge - Day Twenty-Five


Day Twenty-Five – Don’t Question the Potter
How foolish can you be?
He is the Potter, and he is certainly greater than you, the clay! Should the created thing say of the one who made it, “He didn’t make me”? Does a jar ever say, “The potter who made me is stupid”? (Isaiah 29:16)

Have you ever thought, “well if God made my sister or brother this way then things would be better.” Or question God by saying, “Why did you make my sibling like this!?

That has happened in our home and I am pretty sure it could have happened in yours as well. Each person is knit together by God with different personalities, character traits, skillsets, and even conditions. An example of a condition is their biological make up qualifying them to have autism, adhd, an illness, or various things.

No matter the make up the Potter who is God has crafted and made them perfectly. As we grow in Him we will start to change by dying more to our selfish desires and seeking Him first however personalities rarely change. Conditions rarely change. Skillsets rarely change. This is because we are all made uniquely to fulfill different roles God has in store for us. 

It is wrong to question God about His planning and making of our sibling(s). This is hard to understand sometimes especially if they are dead set on annoying you or giving you a hard time. The good thing in it is that God does not waste anything. He uses those experiences to mold you more into the person He wants you to be. So don’t question the potter in defiance. Cry out to Him and ask for understanding if you must but know His ways are good.

Today’s Action
List the hardest thing you deal with when relating to your sibling(s). Talk over ways to make relating easier regarding the thing that is hard. Seek to understand one another though you may be very different.

Parent’s Action
Help them see their strengths and weaknesses today. Help them see how they can complement one another through these.

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