Thursday, June 21, 2012

30 Day Sibling Challenge - Day Twenty-One


Day Twenty-One – Outdo in Honor
“Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor” (Romans 12:10).

Love in this verse is a combination of two Greek words for love which mean literally (philos) to wish someone well and (storge) loving affection and loving tenderly (enduringword).

One way to do this is by counting the other person as precious and worth something in such a way that you desire to lead them in showing them honor because of who they are as God’s creation.

It would be a wonderful world if we spent our time valuing other people over ourselves by outdoing one another in showing honor. Just think of what a great world this would be! What are some practical ways you can do this for your family today? Discuss it. How could you show each family member honor today?

Even though people may annoy you from time to time it is better to still consider them as special because they too are God’s unique creation. No person is worthless but instead full of worth. Practice showing this kind of love within your family then it can move out into the world.

Today’s Action
What are some practical ways you can practice showing your sibling(s) honor and love today? Do these things.

Parent’s Action
Help them follow through with this and pray. Pray continually that these actions they are taking are making them closer and done out of a joy to serve one another instead of duty.

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