Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The World of Autism and Us

Many mornings in our home start off with a need for intervention. Some sort of spat ends up breaking out. I am now seeing why. Here is an example of a typical morning.

The scene is both girls playing together quite well. Then my aspie girl says something rude. That comment hurts my overly sensitive child. She wails and comes to me over it. My aspie girl is emotionally flat about it which makes my overly sensitive child even more upset.

I intervene and ask, "Sweet baby why did you say that to your sister?" "Do you understand that it is mean?"

Her reply, "She just kept talking and I wanted her to stop so I said it so she would stop talking, yes I know it is mean."

I say, "Well honey when something is bothering you you need to tell her. Ask her nicely to stop because it was hurting you."

Her reply, "Oh, okay I can do that." Her reaction was like, wow, I can do that?

I say, "Okay now it is appropriate for you to apologize to your sister and we can explain together what was happening to you."

So there you go. My very black and white child who likes things in perfect order and my very gray child together trying to work life out. I say we have lots of opportunity for sanctification. And I am excited because a friend of mine let me borrow a book called, Autism through a Sister's Eyes, it is a book for my nine year old that was written based on a nine year old girls journey with her own sibling who has aspergers. I hope it helps her see things in the more gray area and will learn to not be so hurt by it.

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