Saturday, January 8, 2011

Unexpected Blessings

I am so blessed to share my health journey/testimony with the Lord over at Lisa Shaw's site today. She is an amazing woman of God, a rare blessing that I thank God for continually. Go over and see it here.

Again, words I myself needed to hear! Funny how God brings our words back to us. He is so good like that. I really needed to hear them because I had another flare up with this horrible face infection. Been fighting it for a year now. It seems I need another two months of antibiotics to treat it. Yet I will find the joy in it. God always has a purpose. I will trust and stand firm as I deal with this. It is a crazy privilege to share in His sufferings, a honor really. Lord, change me and help me see it this way.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Oh I jumped over and read and left you a comment but wanted to say again right here - that was wonderful - a tough testimony but you are a shining star for Him x

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