Sunday, April 10, 2016

Book Review: A Long Obedience in the Same Direction by Peterson


 I really enjoyed this book. It is a revised and expanded 20th anniversary edition of a previous published book. It explores the Psalms of Ascent, which is a grouping of 15 Psalms that the Israelites sang as they journeyed to the Temple together.

We are fellow sojourners like the Israelites so these Psalms are greatly relevant to our walk as well. Peterson has a great way of explaining each one in a way that is easy to understand while considering the original hearers and hearers of today. I found these readings to be most encouraging and delightful.

I think this book would encourage any believer toward worship. The Psalms always inspire great worship.

I received a copy of this book free of charge from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review.

You can buy a copy of this book at here.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Book Review: Counseling One Another by Tautges


I really enjoyed this title. It takes an in depth look at how important personal discipleship is to the local church. We have missed the importance of this in the church allowing much outside influence to enter into this area. It is time to take back that ground given which essentially means restoring Christ to counseling.

Every believer needs the help of counseling from time to time. This process should be one that just flows naturally as we love one another and search the scriptures together but because of the drift away from this kind of living, it now needs to be restored.

This book helps the lay person know how to love others well and disciple them toward Christ likeness. I found it to be a helpful resource that is Bible centered and needed. Anyone can pick this up and be better equipped to help counsel another person. It is easy to read and implement.

I received a copy of this book at no charge from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review.

You can get a copy of this title from here.
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