Friday, February 8, 2008

So I Have Been Thinking.....

I shared I am doing the study Stepping Up by Beth Moore. It is so good. Anyway, while I was driving home today from my workout I heard Brandon Heath's song, "I'm Not Who I Was." It reminded me of God's great grace and how much He can change us through it. It reminded me of a question in the study that Beth asked. It was if it was not for God's grace where might you be now?

I thought this might be a fun question to ask you all. Where is it you may be now if it was not for God's grace in your life?

I was a strong feminist. I said I would NEVER get married. I also did not think much of children. I also thought those people in church raising their hands were weird. I was a complete mess. Now, thanks to God's grace and humor, I am a madly in love with Jesus, wife who adores her husband, stay at home mom who adores her children, and home school teacher! Talk about a complete turn around from what I would NEVER be! :) I love it.

I just love grace stories, How about you? Where has God shown His grace to you? Let's give God some praise!


ocean mommy said...

We heard that same song last night on the way to Karate. I had similar thoughts. Oh thank you Jesus for seeing beyond that girl!!!

love you!

Kathy said...

I too subscribed to feminist philosophy, thanks to college where it was all about being free to choose. And from the world's perspective, choosing "self" first, el numero uno, was the logical choice. Ironically, years later I see many women who are in bondage to pain caused by this "self-empowerment". It's just like the saying..."There, but for the grace of God, go I."

Susan Skitt said...

Grace... when I think of grace I think of what Christ did for us on the cross. Undeserved mercy He extends to each of us, for eternity but also daily. Where would I be? I don't know, but after my first husband died suddenly when our son was nine months old, I would tell people when they asked me how I was doing, "I'm hanging on by the grace of God." He's continued to see me through the ups and downs and other life transitions, giving stability where there are troubled waters, calming my heart when my natural inclination would be to run... oh if not for the grace of God I would be lost and lonely and without hope. Praise be to God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ!

Cheri said...

God shows me grace every day. Every day I make decisions that don't fully bring glory to God.
Praise God for His amazing grace- How sweet it is!

LAUREN at Faith Fuel said...

Were it not for God's grace I'd be an old lady dancing disco out on a dance floor. I'd be seeking men's approval, finding none, and longing for something, Someone, to fill me, and looking for it in all the wrong places.

C said...

Stumbled across your blog.

Would love for you to submit a link on my most recent post about being a SAHM. I think you would be a big encouragement to other mothers!

On being home ...

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