Monday, February 4, 2008

Marriage Monday-Valentine Edition


I am not sure what it is about Valentine's day but really it is a day that my husband and I do not celebrate. My man's excuse is that "everyday is Valentine's day with me." My response is, "yeah right that is just an excuse."

Seriously though, why do we make such a big deal about this one day in the year? We are charged to love by God. That is a 24/7 year round thing. Why just one day of focus? So, call me a Valentine hum-bug if you like. We just do not celebrate this one.

Everyday really is Valentine's day here though. We do truly seek to love each other to the fullest measure. We strive to think of and show our love daily. To me it is much more special to receive a gift on a random day just because than on the day it is expected. It just works better this way for us.

So I leave you this not just for Valentine's day but for everyday:
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."
~1 Corinthians 13:4-8a

For more Marriage Monday go here.


Anonymous said...

i think that is a great point! it's hit and miss at our house.. mostly because we rarely go on dates, so everytime we do we celebrate "us" together.

Susan said...

Hey Angela,

You are really right. I like that random suprises the best anyhow.

I just like an excuse to go out, and I love getting that candy!

Guess I'll never out grow that.

Blessings to you!

Connie Marie said...

That is true, but I hope someday that you both blow each other away when you decide to go all out to make each other feel special on the day other Valentine's are thinking up ways to pamper each other. It's fun occasionally, even if you don't expect it each year.


Tami said...

Hey, we were thinking on the same wavelength apparently. I'm with you, sister!

Heather said...

Same here. Great point. :)

Sheila said...

So true! What's even better than Valentine's day once a year? Valentine's day every day!


ocean mommy said...

I'm all about those unexpected surprises too. Those are the best kind. :)

Melissa in Mel's World said...

I totally agree with dh and I really don't celebrate Valentine's Day either. We give each other a card, but the other hoopla, well...we sort of skip it.

I am very blessed to be with my dh and I thank God for him each and every day!

Great post!

Darlene Schacht said...

Sorry I missed your post last Wednesday. I was finishing up CWO. I'm praying for you!

Diana Simpson said...

you are such an inspiration! i love ya girl!

Susannah said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts today, Angela.

Just a quick reminder that you can vote for next month's topic for Marriage Monday, if you haven't already. :~D

Anonymous said...

Well, we do celebrate Valentines day, but we also incorporate it into our date time of the month. Keeping the romance alive is hard with children, and if we don't set a time aside on the calendar each month we won't do something together alone. But everyday is Valentines day -as far as showing the ones special to us how much they are loved...I feel a post coming on.."Do we really show them we love them?"

Susan Skitt said...

Ang, I keep saying to myself I'm going to write a I Cor 13 list of love on my bulletin board... some days I need a big reminder of just how God defines love :)

tammi said...

Valentine's is a little special around here -- it's also our wedding anniversary! (haha, that's probably the ONLY reason it's special!!) I agree, Valentine's Day, like Christmas, should be remembered and celebrated all year long.

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