Monday, August 11, 2008

Malta Funny

I was talking with my friends kids who is under five about my trip. I was showing kid where Malta was on the map compared to where we lived. The conversation went like this.

Me:See we are going from here all the way to here. (using my finger to trace the path on the map.)
Kid: You taking a boat?
Me: Oh, no-we are actually taking an airplane-(impressed by kids thinking.)
Kid: Well you better wear a life jacket.
Me:laughter-(very impressed kid noticed all the water we are flying over and knew for water safety you must wear a life jacket!) :)

Can you guess whose kid this is????????? Sorry only if you live near me you would know I guess. :)

I cannot wait to get back and post all the great pics I know I will have! I am sure I am having fun. If you haven't guessed this was posted before I left as a scheduled post! :)

1 comment:

Cheri said...

I'm sure you are having a great time- can't wait to hear more about it!

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