Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wondering if this ADHD is Wrong

While we were stuck in the cabin, which seems like yesterday, my husband and I watched the movie Temple Grandin. It is a really good movie about a woman who overcomes many obstacles dealing with her autism. As we watched the show I just cried. Not because it was a sad movie, rather it was quite inspirational. I cried because I saw many similarities with my youngest child.

My girl saw parts of this movie and she was comforted by the fact that this lady thought in pictures just like her. She wondered if anyone else did that. It opened our eyes to a lot of things. We took this time to just observe and we noticed things we didn't pay attention to before. We think that what this quirkiness is called is Asperger's. This is a high functioning form of autism.

We checked out some websites and online support groups and it sounds so very similar. Things we have been struggling through are not unusual for those with this. I believe God created my girl perfect and this is just a greater opportunity for her to be challenged to overcome and grow into an even stronger person. She is amazing to me and brings so much life to our home.

As we implement things and try to understand her better we are seeing some great improvements in her and our family. We are all learning together how to make this work and how to best prepare her for whatever God has in store for this beautifully gifted child. Did I tell you she got baptized a few weeks ago? I cannot wait to see all God has in store for her and us. It is an honor and privilege to be entrusted to raise this little one.


Mining for Diamonds said...

How wonderful that God is giving you wisdom for your precious child! I'm seeking Him for wisdom for my own child who I have a few issues with, though not on the same level. He is faithful to give us wisdom when we ask!

I traveled as a missionary for several years with a very high functioning autistic man. He is also legally blind and plays the piano perfectly. He has traveled all over the world playing the piano and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through his amazing testimony. He can play anything he hears and has recorded CDs and arranges and composes music. His childlike faith is precious.


God can do more than we ask, think, or imagine, even with our babies...in spite of us, and not because of us! ;) (Thank God!!!)

Unknown said...

So was she diagnosed with ADHD previously by a doctor? Is that why your title is about 'wondering if this ADHD is wrong.'? Wow, that would be a big misdiagnosis but fairly common from what I've read about it online. I hope y'all go back to this doctor to discuss other alternatives or see a different doctor to know what you're next step should be. Praise God you have some insight from this movie to investigate further and praise Him that your little girl has some awesome parents who treasure her with all her God given talents! :). God bless you Angela as you go through this journey that the Good Lord has placed before you. :)

child of God said...

Hi Angela, I am new here and felt pressed to comment.
I home school my kids and one of the teachers I work through wanted to label my son as ADHD, my husband refused saying there really is no label of truth here, a kid is a kid and some are more hyper than others. (my husband is a physician, specialist in the lungs and critical care)So we reubked this label and treated him as a normalhyper active child who learns differently than others. 2 years ago he was considered a gifted learner but again I rebuked this and treated him as normal and now, grade 10, he does the regular program and is scoring 9o's and above, excells in music and starting strong on his faith in God. I am so happy I rebuked these labels as that would have hindered him.
Now, my sister has 2 children diagnosed as autisum and adhd and she enforces the labels and you can see they are what she claims them to be. She doesn't beleive in God and refuses to rebuke these labels.
Your daughter sounds precious and beautiful and I love your outlook. The schools and some doctors want to box and label kids just because it is easier for them to handle the different learners, treat them with drugs instead of dealing with the real issues like take them out and let them run off the excess energy and let them learn in the way God has gifted them in. I see in pictures, not words and that hindered me in school but now, I see things differently then other people and that gives them a look from a different view point.

I will be praying for you all.
God Bless,

Kate said...

Hey Angela,

In my facebook message that got "eaten" yesterday, I actually recommended that you watch this very movie to see if you might see some similarities. Guess you are a step ahead of me. I loved the movie as well.


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