Sunday, January 9, 2011


I do not think anything in life is a simple coincidence. I believe all things happen at certain times for a certain reason. Why do I think this? Because we have an intelligent designer. A great God who knows the number of our days, who knew us before we were even born, who even knows the very number of hairs on our heads. Now that is a God of order and of great detail yet so very personal and involved. I love that.

This post comes at a perfect time like I stated above. It has been a year now that I have been dealing with this horrible skin infection. It seems to cling on not wanting to give up. I may need to become more drastic in my treatment of it by fasting or eating only non processed foods but I am on a strong antibiotic which makes those things a little hard to do. The medicine makes me really sick if I do not have something substantial on my stomach...but I digress. Praying through these things.

Today I woke up with it looking really gross and I mean seriously disgusting. The spot that is like that is right on the center top of my nose. Talk about not being able to hide that one! I tried to cover it up but to no avail. Because of that I decided to stay home from church today. I cannot be around people looking like this. I do not think I am contagious but if an open sore is around then I don't want to chance it.

Okay enough with the gross stuff. It just reminded me of what God has had me reading lately (no coincidence) I have been reading through Leviticus. I love this book so much. This time in my reading I paid really close attention to the big deal that was made with people who had skin infections. There is an entire two chapters that address this issue. Basically the person with the infection was sent to live outside the camp for 7 days then was reexamined to see if he could come back in. He was deemed unclean until the priest could say he was clean again. Some cases were leprosy and some were not.

I always wondered what that felt like. Now I think I get it a little bit. My pastor did not say don't come near because you are unclean, that would be ridiculous, however I said it. I am also reminded that God never said that being unclean is associated with being a bad or sinful person. Never did He say that. This was just good for the people to prevent spreading of diseases. They did not have antibiotics and things like we do today.

Also, anything lame, defected, or deformed was not considered holy in those days. But today we have JESUS. He has made all things clean through His sacrifice and shed blood on the cross. He was not afraid to go to the leapers and heal them. He came to save those that were helpless. So now, I am clean in HIM alone though my skin is not on the outside. He is the most amazing thing to me. I adore Him. I stand in awe that someone like me can be deemed CLEAN.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

AMEN - Oh the blood of Jesus - it washes white as snow!

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