This tank is a touch tank for sting rays and sharks. My Hannah was leaning in to get a good touch and in she went head first. Now I was right beside her and watching this take place in slow motion. When I went to reach for her she just went in further and deeper. The volunteer, Mrs. Rebecca said she started to swim which was taking her farther from me. So finally I grabbed the back of her shirt and pulled her up. I guess there is some truth to that natural instinct taking over if you fall into a body of water. Anyway, my fearless baby was traumatized and so was I. I could not believe this could happen when I was right beside her.
But God sent a wonderful servant in Mrs. Rebecca to help us. She was a wonderful volunteer who was finished with her shift but just "felt like" she was to stay for some reason. She told me this was probably it. Since my baby is almost four we have passed the stage of bringing a change of clothes so soaking wet Hannah was. Mrs. Rebecca, a diver took us to a behind the scenes diver room where we could blow dry hair and get clothes dried in the dryer and towels to help Hannah stay covered. While waiting for her clothes to dry we were treated with seeing the aquarium from the top. We got to learn many fun facts and got to see the inter working of it all which answered so many of the questions Hannah has always asked. Then Mrs. Rebecca took us to the penguin room where she also works and showed us neat things about them. It was a great day considering the circumstances. Hannah came out okay, got her dry clothes on and said she was as good as new. With lifted spirits we thanked Mrs. Rebecca for her loving kindness which was so like Jesus and went off to eat our lunch with the rest of our party. No harm done but it did give us some special Mommy-Hannah time which was much needed.
So in Thankful Thursday tradition I am thankful for God's hand of protection, His provision of a wonderful saint in Mrs. Rebecca to help us, and a His loving kindness which He extends to us daily. God is good all the time in all things and all circumstances.
For more TT posts visit Iris at Sting My Heart.