My goal is to just be real with you all. There are so many people hurting out there and many with chronic illnesses. I had one 10 years ago for 7 years and then God miraculously took it away. I am so thankful to Him for that. The road was hard but I would not trade it for the world because it made me radically fall in love with Jesus even more. Yet the danger in trials is that we can also fall away. I hung just on the edge at times through this journey but came to the point of complete surrender and was really okay with whatever God decided. I praise Him in His grace and mercy that He healed me because it was nothing I deserved.
Now we are going through this again but my husband and I have switched roles. I am now the one who is well. He is the one with a chronic condition now. The similarities were we both had conditions that are pretty rare at least for this area. I have seen more doctors and specialists than I can count and now we are headed down the same path with him. Some of these doctors are very lacking when they do not understand what is going on. They make you seem like it is all in your head. It makes me so dang mad. It is not how God would want others to be treated. Would they treat their own family that way?
Anyway, after a bad appointment this week and seeing all that this was doing to my husband I just needed a good all out cry fest with God. Ever been there? So, I went to my favorite God spot all alone and popped my friend
Stephanie's CD from Notes from the Soul in. I just love her songs. God has really anointed and gifted her with worship. There are two songs of hers that really were a blessing to me during this hard cry fest time. I came out praising God. So, I wanted to share the lyrics with you.
Speak to Me
by Stephanie Parson
Speak to Me, Father in this moment speak to me, You alone hold everything I need. Speak Father, Speak to Me.
Speak to me, Father in this moment I am weak. But You alone are everything I need.
Speak, Father, Speak to Me.
I am waiting, anticipating You, Take what's breaking, restore it with Your truth.
Speak, Father, Speak to Me.
The Battle
by Stephanie Parson
Here's another arrow. Shot by the enemy.
Handcrafted to deceive me, and bring captivity.
But this time, I'm smarter and stronger than before.
I won't be chained to this, victory's in store.
The battle is hard, the battle is long.
Pulls you through the desert.
You've gotta be wise, you gotta stand strong,
When you face the enemy.
Listen for the truth, don't believe the lie.
You are His and child you matter.
When you feel like giving in remember,
Our God fights for keeps.
You don't have to be afraid, or give up in defeat.
He's given all you need; you'll find it on your knees.
So, raise a shield of faith, stand upon His word.
Pray only in His name fight only for the Lord.