My soul has been deeply craving some real worship. Not the typical kind you get from Sunday to Sunday, but that deep anointed type of corporate worship. If you have ever experienced it you know what I am talking about. The kind where the worship leaders just usher you into the presence of the Lord. The kind where you can just minister to God through your worship. The kind where the atmosphere is thick with Him. Others can try to quench it but it is unquenchable because it is so thick. The kind where you just praise Him unrestrained (don't lose me here-there was no running the isles-this is a Baptist church). Where you just know He is there. Where you just tremble before Him. Oh that kind of worship is what I deeply have desired for too long now. Today I got it.
A group came to our church called Wings of Morning. They are young adults who give up a year of their lives to go from place to place to minister to people in the name of our Lord. They are missions focused, taking the gospel to wherever God leads. These students not only give up a year (or more) of their lives for this but also raise their own support to do it.
No wonder they had that wonderful anointing on them. They are living in complete obedience fully abandoned to Him. It is an admirable thing and as my friend Stephanie always says, radical obedience follows radical blessings. They are being a pleasing aroma and sacrifice unto the Lord just like Christ (Ephesians 5).
sounds good - rich.
sounds like a feast!
Sounds wonderful!! Maybe this will start something awesome in the hearts of worshipers there!!I'm going to go check them out right now!!
You're right - blessings follow obedience!! I said that to my wild 4th graders tonight when they asked for candy. I told them there had been a lack of obedience so the blessing of a snickers would have to wait until next week. :)
love you girl,
Lord, we thirst for you.
In a dry and barren land, we're longing for your hand to guide us to a place where you can fill us with your rain, baptize us once again, we thirst for you.
-CeCe's song "We Thirst for You"
I like what you said here: They are living in complete obedience fully abandoned to Him.
So many people have the wrong idea of worship...but your post is right on....I have written a post on Unreserved Worship on my blog. Hope it blesses you.
How inspiring!
hey girlie!
I love that kind of worship too! Do you think we would just die if we had it all the time!? I always whine about that to the Lord, and HE reminds me that those times are just tastes of what Heaven will be like!
Ya know, we are sooooo going to have the worship thing down in spirit and truth when we get home...love ya princess
I'm so happy for you. I know what you mean- when you have that kind of worship there's no denying the Holy Spirit's presence!
Sounds like a great group- glad you got to have that experience.
I know exactly what you mean - true pleasure! That's what they call a mountaintop experience! Glad you were so blessed.
Me again...Thanks for stopping by and I'm glad someone likes my blog name (I sort of regret it now because it sounds pretentious...) Anyhow, it sounds like we have a lot in common!
I yearn for rich worship as well and I am intrigued by the youth of today. Although many are pagans, many are more committed than any youth were in my day. I think their zeal for the Lord will make them powerful missionaries to their own generation. Praise God! And we get to enjoy the crumbs from their passionate table! Thanks for sharing.
But I have seen some "Baptists" "running in the aisles" under the anointing of God's precious Spirit- all things are possible!
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