Here is some food for thought from my pastor's sermon today:
- Religion attempts to make bad people good while Christianity makes dead people alive
- Religion is man's attempt to get to God. Christianity is the historical reality that God came down to man.
I just love those statements. I love that we have a God who pursues us. A God who desires to be with us. A God who does not force Himself on us. A God who sees us for what we are but refuses to let us stay the same. I am praising Him for making me alive!
I am not religious either! I am in a love relationship with Jesus!
Funny how churches tend to get confused over you think it is because they are so familiar with the Gospels that they don't read them anymore? Jesus definitely did not approve of the religious, and held out his hand to relationships.
Amen Sista--glad you are preachin it!
Amen! Right on and Amen again! I think "religion" can be dangerous - it leans too much on "man". I would have loved to heard your Pastor preach THIS one.... Great truths!amazinluv
We just heard a message on this also. I completely agree. I didn't realize the difference until a few years ago.
What a great place to be now!!
That is some good stuff!
Love you!
Wonderful statements, and oh so true! Have a blessed week. Hugs, e-Mom
I, too, love those statements. Have you read Sacred Romance by Eldredge and Curtis? It is such an awesome book and I've read it a couple of times. The premise is that God pursues man like a lover pursues his beloved. I love the line in the book where it says that God made a daring raid into enemy territory to rescue his beloved (my paraphrase and not an exact quote). That is really what God did when He sent Jesus to earth.
It is a 'must' read for all Christians, I believe.
Thanks for your heart. BTW, are you going to Siesta Fiesta? My friend, Cindy and I are going and I know that Stephanie (Ocean Mommy) is going as well. Would be fun to try to meet some bloggin' siestas!!
thanks for that...hate that churches everywhere have gone away from the one part that matters...the relationship...and traded it for a legalistic list of how many church services you have attended.
good words!
Amen! It is a relationship, not a religon.
I heard a speaker this Sunday and he mentioned that it finally dawned on him when he met JESUS that Christianity wasn't a subject to study anymore, it was a relationship!
I wish I was there to hear it. We STILL miss Pastor Ken.
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Always nice to "meet" someone new.
I was so glad to see this post. I have been saying I'm not "religious" for years and people have so much trouble understanding that. The message seems to be finally getting out :o)
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