Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Playground Mayhem


Today we needed to get out. The girls, well really, girl number two, woke the entire household up at 5:00am. Then no one was able to go back to sleep after that time. Due to the early hours I knew a nap would be needed. After that nap they were promised an outing to the "beach" near our home. Really it is a lake with imported sand and a playground.

We arrive at the park and there are two strange men there. No children to be seen. One of the men is with his car and the other is sitting on the playground equipment. I scanned the place and spotted some other people up on the beach so after I called a couple of people to let them know where I was (just in case). We proceeded on to the beach area. As we walked closer it looked as if this strange man on the playground equipment was trying to take our picture with his cell phone. Maybe he is blogging about us. It was really strange and I know God was with us. I would have left and went to another location except that one of the girls was about wet her pants.

Finally after the men left the playground we go up to play. A few other children arrive too. Then I realized that this was a social club of parents with their children. Now you know when the social club starts to form the children are not watched the way they should be watched. One mother was so mean and harsh with her children. I was so sad for them. One boy kept pushing my little one. Praise God she did not knock him over. She has that kind of personality at times. But this time she did the right thing.

So it was an interesting park day and I have no idea why it played out that way except that we all were praying for those people. It pains me to hear parents call their children names or inconveniences. I know I stand guilty of it myself at times. I am not perfect but I always try to make it right. If this behavior was displayed in public I wonder what happens in their home.

It is time our society realizes and accepts that our children are blessings. Yes it is tough work, especially if you have a potentially explosive child like my youngest. Children are a reward from God. It is time we treat them this way and care for the most precious thing God can give us. We will have to give an account for our actions.

For those of you with the more inflexible children, I have a book I am reading that I recommend so far. It is called The Explosive Child by Ross Greene. It takes a different approach to training these children so they can learn to process things properly. I tried the techniques today and it worked so well. Especially since I knew we were in a potentially explosive situation at the park. I learned to watch and help my younger one through it. It really worked well. I do have a disclaimer on this book though. There are a few curse words in example situations of outbursts. There is one particular situation that I did not agree with either dealing with maturity and relationships. The principle is biblical in method though. I will keep updates from time to time how it is working in our home.


Tam said...

I'm a little creeped out about the guy on the playground taking pics...weird!

I'm gonna recommend this book to my sis-in-law. Her 2 yr old can be a explosive at times - she is always looking for a good parenting read...so thanks!

God's girl said...

Thanks Tam.
Tell me what she thinks after she reads it (if she does). It is a really interesting read about how they process information. They do not do it on purpose. I think we (or atleast I) are often fast to just demand something and not realize they are capable of understanding. It helped me understand quite a bit. I will keep posted on how it works.

Thanks for stopping by!

Cheri said...

I would have been very uncomfortable with that guy too.
I will be looking for that book- it sounds helpful!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting. I'll have to stop back and see what you have to say about this.

Kari said...

Thanks so much for posting about this book. I just put it on hold at the library in another tab while commenting. :)

Maybe there's help for this once-explosive-child turned a works-hard-to-not-explode-mama, too? My girls come by it honestly...though I do really think much of it is temperament - because I am far, far, far from perfect - but I do parent much better than my own parents.


God's girl said...

I am interested in your thoughts after you read it. Basically it all boils down to a frontal lobe problem but it can be managed and eventually hopefully fixed.


Susan Skitt said...

Wow Angela, we really need to be careful, watching our children at all times, don't we?

About the book, I read it. We have been having troubles with our youngest child... I would love to talk with you about the book when you get a chance... my email is skskitt@comcast.net

I've found some great parenting tools available through The National Center for Biblical Parenting. AWANA is promoting their lastest book. Their website is http://www.effectiveparenting.org/

We live nearby the center and found it necessary for a few months to get some personal coaching from this ministry. Very helpful, wise, godly insights.

Thanks and have a great day!

Kate said...

The book looks interesting. I have an inflexible one too and could use some ideas. I'll be looking for updates on this book.


Kari said...

Oh, wow, that's really interesting about the frontal lobe. It ties into what Dr. Amen, pretty "big" in the ADHD treatment "world" has concluded (and found with brain scans) about certain types of ADHD. I am so eager to pick up my book tomorrow!


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