“With your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation” (Revelation 5:9b).
I walked along the hot sea shore browsing through the islander’s tiny booths. They sold the most interesting jewelry and clothing. The country was very poor. So poor in fact I felt somewhat guilty being on that huge boat docked on the shore. As I browsed around my ears heard something familiar. Was that really…..no it couldn’t be.
I followed the sound and as it got louder I realized it was what I thought it was. It was praise and worship music by Michael W. Smith. Each little booth was assembled side by side touching one another in that place. Each one had its own variety of music playing. This booth decided to play praise music. It was a simple booth. It was there that I met Heather. She was a beautiful woman of God. I watched as she sang and worshiped our God right along with Michael W. Smith. She had not fear of what others thought. She was so refreshing.
As I approached her I told her I appreciated that music and told her I loved it. She told me she was a Christian and was not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We had some further uplifting conversation. I bought a piece of jewelry and told her I would be praying for her. I will never forget that wonderful moment. For a brief second I got to praise Jesus with a sister that I would have never met this side of Heaven if I had not been drawn by her music.
It was on this trip that I realized that God did indeed come for the entire world. Every tribe and language. Every people and nation will have some who are saved through His sacrifice. I will greatly rejoice when I get to see Heather again in Heaven. We do worship the Lord who belongs to the nations. I just love that. God is not an exclusive God set aside for certain people. He is God for anyone who would accept, believe, and follow Him.
Father, thank You for being God of all people. Lord, help us to be Your hands and feet to wherever you tell us to go and to whomever you tell us to talk to. We love You and praise You. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Amen, He chose Israel to bless the nations. His purpose from the beginning was to reach all of us and bring everyone into One Body in His Son Jesus Christ.
Lord, help us to remain One and love each other as you have loved us.
That is beautiful. You need to print this out and keep it in your jewelry box so your girls always know the story behind it!
love you!
What a wonderful story. I blogged recently about an experience I had in the Holy Land where we were singing one of the old hymns in English along with another group who was singing in their native language. It was the most awesome experience and a truly beautiful sound. It was such a beautiful picture of what heaven will be like with every nation, tribe and tongue around the throne praising Him!!
Oh - I agree with Ocean Mommy - keep this story with the jewelry!
Such a true reminder. I have missionary friends in Japan and am always reminded of God's love for the nations. It is so easy to get caught up in our own world...literally!
I am so glad God allowed you to meet that woman. What a blessing it will be to praise His name in heaven alongside her.
I love this story!
A beautiful reminder of how God arranges blessings. I'm sure she was as blessed by your visit as you were.
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