I was hurt. Really hurt. I did not realize something so small could have crushed me in such a big way. We were returning from our retreat last year with the college group. We were being transferred in a school bus. Apparently the driver was not a Christian so I desperately wanted us to be a good example. He was cranky. He was a driver who did not like to stop. We had a group of 30 with us including two small children so it was inevitable that we must stop about every two hours. Oh but that was not acceptable for the bus nazi. Oh no he was driving hard. So hard in fact on the way back through Georgia we lose the air conditioning. (Any of you southerners out there can appreciate the importance of air conditioning in the middle of August. I mean this is a HUGE deal. August in Georgia and Tennessee is the worst of all months. There are days that it is so hot and humid that I find it difficult to breathe. We were in a serious situation.)
I am holding a child who has contracted hand, foot, and mouth disease who I believe is feverish. The other is sweating profusely. Students in the back are very hot, especially the ones sitting over the engine. We are about to blow. We were in a very tense situation ourselves.
In the back grumbling starts to rise up. This is no fun ride. God did such great things in each persons life on the retreat. Now this. It was definitely a blow from the enemy. Something within me stirred so strong. I believe it was the spirit in me. I jumped up to my feet and said, “NO! We are not going out like this! We are going to pray over this air conditioner and we are not going to complain. The enemy will not steal the ground that we gained while we were away. He will not have it!” I proceeded to tell them to lay hands on this air conditioner. I prayed a come back Jesus sort of prayer over this thing and I knew it would start right back up. This is not what happened.
I told the students to start singing praise songs to God. They started playing and singing. I took back my seat and wept. I think I wept for several hours. The air did not start working again. So now, what will they think of me? Most importantly, what will they think of God? Did I hear Him right? Did I let Him down? Did I pray wrong? I just know I freaked out the bus nazi. Will that turn him farther away? I also freaked out some of the students. Apparently my praying in authority is something that they had not seen before. Which is sad with people who have grown up in the church.
This story made a lasting impression. The story still circulates. You see, I have seen many powerful answers to prayer. I believe God for big things.
I could not understand why God left me hanging out there like that. It took me months to recover from this moment. I am not sure why it took so long but it devastated me. It hurt my relationship with the one who I trusted so much. I spoke to the bus man. I told him I just had faith that God would fix the air. He said it would be good if he did but I know he did not believe it. What kind of a witness was this?
God keeps telling me not to worry about it. He keeps reminding me that I have no idea what He did in that instance. I often see that bus and the driver. I continue to pray for his salvation and his heart to be softened. That after all is the most important thing. Because I do not know the end of this story-I do not like it. But I must believe in faith that something happened from this act of obedience.
A friend of mine said it was a good story and it encouraged her. So I am posting this in the hopes it will encourage others too. God hears all our prayers if we are right with Him. I believe He answers each one too. Maybe the answer was no that time. Maybe it was wait. I have no clue what God is doing in the lives of the others who experienced it but I can tell you this, I still love Him and I still trust Him. I realize that our ways are not His. And that is okay with me. I would rather be a fool for Christ than nothing for Him at all.
I love love love this story. I'll tell you why: because you prayed.
You took action. You believed for something big, for a break through. It didn't happen. But the bigger breakthrough is that you're a woman who is going to pray- no matter what! Broken air conditioners or not- nothing is going to stop you from speaking to a mountain in Jesus' Name. And one day a mountain will move in front of your eyes- and a miracle will happen big time.
In the mean time- this is what happened, this is what MOVED by faith: You- laying hands on that bus airconditioner!! (I will always treasure this picture of you!)
"THe kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force." And then there are some who will just sit and do nothing.
You are not one of those.
I too love this story. You showed those young people that we should take ALL things to the Father. And who knows what that bus driver thinks about each time he turns his air on!
You took a stand for Jesus and that stand is still being talked about!! You are showing authentic faith and I love that about you. :)
"I would rather be a fool for Christ than nothing for Him at all." Amen! But, faith does not make you a fool! He is faithful...even when the answer does not look like we think it should! Thanks for sharing the story!
Angela, I completely agree that you did the right thing. God cares about all things in our lives- the big and the little. You were a great witness to the driver and the student. Even if the answer from God is no He still wants to hear our prayers. You never know the seeds that were planted because you lived out your faith. Just the other day Nick dropped a gift card while we were trying to use it and ordering online. It dropped literally right next to me and then we couldn't find it anywhere! Nick was starting to get frustrated and I told him lets stop and pray about this. We prayed and God did answer our prayers- it was right where we had looked numerous times already. I was thankful God answered our prayer but I think it was an important lesson for Nick to always take everything to God!
Wow Angela! I've had similiar situations... praying, thinking this was God's will for a particular situation, believing that He would answer my way. But like you said and the Scriptures reminds us, His ways are not always ours. Just like Jesus prayed in the Garden before going to the cross, Lord if it be possible, take this cup from me, but nevertheless, Thy will be done.
I've been learning to pray my heart... then turn it over to the Lord believing He will do what is right.
God bless my dear sister and thank you for sharing. God is working, always. I will have to post my own story like this sometime. I still wonder why God didn't answer the way I thought, but like you said, we don't know what's going on behind the scenes and how God will work in people's lives.
P.S. I finally posted my Mathetes Awards :) Thank you again.
Girl, this IS a success story. I couldn't agree more with Lauren and Stephanie because you did set such a powerful example. POWERFUL. Perhaps it's the kind of thing the driver needed to see to remember. Maybe he needed to see how a Christian deals with disappointment. I'll bank on the fact he'll NEVER forget "the chick who laid hands on the air condidtioner" and marvel at her faith. LOVE YOU!
God still got the glory! And, that's what it is all about. In your praying openly and with authority, it showed your faith. More people need to see that type of faith in ACTION. Never be shy about telling how you believed in God. It's for us to pray, it's for Him to respond. We MAY never know how you affected someone that day - but the important thing is knowing that you stepped out on faith and were an effective ambassador for God.
I thank God for you!
This is a great story. I am one who would be so scared to do anything like that. Scared because of all the "what if's"...the same ones you ended up with. But it didn't deter you. That's inspiring to me. Good for you! And thank you!
Awesome story. Sometimes I get disappointed myself, cause it seems God isn't hearing my prayers. But I know he is.
This is a wonderful testimony of your zeal for the lost! You care enough to risk looking foolish. You planted a seed in the bus driver's life and some day it may come up.
Do you remember the story of Moses? He did some "rash" things at the beginning of his career, but look what happened later in his life? With God's help he parted the waters of the Red Sea! He performed SO many miracles, and we are promised, that by His Spirit, we will do the same--and more!
Never never give up, never never. (Winston Churchill)
Blessings, e-Mom
Thanks for your encouragement to day over my place!
This is a great story!
Ya know, as I read this I felt like what really needed "cooling" down was all your spirits - your emotions...(not that you all were "heated" but it seems you were getting agitated) I think you praying so boldly did cool you all off. Something a working a/c wouldn't have done. Not in that way. God is more concerned with our character than our comfort. Our thoughts are not His thoughts, nor are our ways. It's always much more than we see...
This, to me, is a great reminder of that exactly...so even if this isn't what your story is about - it reached me this way and was very effective. So the power of your prayer then reached me today. God is so big!
i think it was a great story. they will remember it more than you think...in a good way i mean. we have to learn to say "blessed be the name of the Lord" in ALL times so them singing praise songs with no air couldn't have been more perfect!! :)
Praise God \o/
One of the these days one of those students, or several of them, will have to face strong opposition from the enemy. They are going to have to pray against it or be destroyed by it. A wimpy pray will not do. They will have to pray in such a way as they never have had to pray in their lives. The Lord will bring you to their rememberence and tell them to pray like they saw you praying on that bus. That's warfare prayer and it delivers so much more than just cold air.
I was on that bus by the grace of God and I greatly enjoyed the peace God lavished upon us as you stood in the gap praying. Who knew cooking could be so much fun?
Thanks for leaving me a comment. I admire you for sharing this story. It takes great courage and faith.
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