Last night we (My friend Diana and her girls and sister) went to the Disney on ice show in our area. It was so much fun. Those stories that unfold just stir something with in us. We all watch and desire to be a princess. Each story pulls a different string of your heart.

The greatest thing is that we are indeed princesses in our own right if we know Christ. When we accept Him we are adopted into His family. We become royal. We are what we long to be except better. Our King has unlimited treasures. Our King desires us. Our King is the only one with the power to redeem us from our hopeless condition. With these truths we have what we need to keep on course. To live fully for our King.
"See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! But the people who belong to this world don’t recognize that we are God’s children because they don’t know him. Dear friends, we are already God’s children, but he has not yet shown us what we will be like when Christ appears. But we do know that we will be like him, for we will see him as he really is. And all who have this eager expectation will keep themselves pure, just as he is pure." 1 John 3:1-3 NLT
We had a great girls night out. All girls birthdays are in these two months so we had a big birthday blast celebration. We ate Mexican first then went on to the show.
Things I learned.
1-Go to the bathroom during the show not during intermission.
2-Go prepared not to buy anything-It was also a full blown
Disney store with higher prices! Go figure.
3-These type of shows are too much for my little one that I have been talking about. Too much sensory information. So I am learning how to make it enjoyable for her as well. With her we ended up pacing the outside of the arena. We peeked at the show periodically, browsed the vendors, met people, and danced. She had just as good of a time that way. My oldest got to enjoy the show with her buddies inside. I did grieve some over this. I am realizing some things will be different and to mold my expectations around that.
Cute picture! My little girls love to be a princess as well - it is truly a girl thing - may they know the love of God that makes them a princess!
A friend just recommended the book: The Princess Kiss. Looked cute - a good message too!
The photos of your girls are precious! I love this: The greatest thing is that we are indeed princesses in our own right if we know Christ. Have a blessed weekend. Hugs, e-Mom
That is just precious! Looks like loads of fun!
Love you all!
I have paced many hallways too with my youngest son... trying to make up racing games or something to keep him sane from the buzz and noise - like you said all the sensory stuff that puts them into overload. I know the disappointment that can bring... I'll be in contact soon my friend. God bless :)
Oh, I noticed Mary mentioned the Princess & The Kiss book, lovely book. I bought it awhile back for my nieces and one for our church library.
And my nieces too love to dress up like princesses. Your girls look adorable :)
Oh, I forgot to mention, with two boys, I don't get to do the "princess" thing except with my neices... but that's okay, because like you said, I know I'm a daughter of The King.
Have a great weekend :)
Hey! We went Thursday night and I totally agree. Huge Disney store with totally inflated prices. I thought I might spring for some popcorn but changed my mind when the guy said $6!! Yikes. Of course, THEY'RE the ones conveniently going to your seats. Probably could have gotten some cheaper at the "regular" concession stand. E asked a guy how much for the cotton candy. He said $10!!! Of course, it "included" a crown and something else (junk), so E THEN asked, "how much for JUST the cotton candy"! LOL The guy was impressed with her, but couldn't separate. Oh well. We did wind up caving and letting our girls get a sno-cone, but that was it! Too $$$$!! We all enjoyed the show, though. Disney knows how to do it right!
Ha ha! You are right girl! :)
I promised Kaitlyn I would buy her cotton candy the next time we went to Chuck E Cheese (our favorite spot!) and it was only $2! :) No extra frills though. HA!
Good to hear from you. When are you going to start blogging? Or is it private or something? Missed you Wednesday. Hope you are enjoying your fall break and I am praying!
Much love,
Yes, I have that book the Princess and the Kiss! I HIGHLY rec. it!
My oldest asked me the other day where her kiss was. Where did I keep it for her. So precious!
Thanks all for the comments about my kids pics! You all are sweet!
It seems like just yesterday my daughter was dressing up like a princess on a daily basis. Now she is 12 and those days are long past. Savor every moment of it.
She doesn't dress up like a princess anymore but I am so happy to remind her that she is God's princess and that He is enthralled with her beauty. What an absolute blessing to have such a hope to pass on to our children. God is so good.
What darling girls. I bet they were so excited they could hardly stand it!
Glad you had a good time.
girl, i can't wait to put my pics up as well. i had so much fun and did I tell you thank you for taking all the girls to the bathroom? you rock!
What sweet pictures! And I love your princess thoughts. :)
I love seeing your "girl" pictures and it makes me see how quickly my twins are growing up. Just a month and a half way from turning ten, they're much more interested in "High School Musical" Disney than Princess Disney. Sniff sniff. I'm so glad we went to Disney World when they were four because I'll treasure the princess breakfast forever. Seeing their wide-eyed admiration when Jasmine, Sleeping Beauty, and Cinderella came by was worth every penny and then some. :-)
There is a great ministry I think you and your girls would enjoy. It's:
Check it out!
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