After the big fight of the taxi drivers for our return fare to the ship from the beach, the winner took us on a ride back. He was a nice man (at least toward us). He liked country music and reggae. He asked which I preferred and I had to say very quickly reggae! I am no fan of country music (and no that is not a requirement for living in Tennessee!). While in the taxi he was playing Bob Marley. There is a song on the CD that says, "everyone wants to go to Heaven but no one wants to die. " So the conversation came up and the taxi driver says, "yeah mon, everyone wants to go to Heaven but no one wants to die." So I chime in and say, "The funny thing about that is that you have to die to go to Heaven. Oh yeah and there is only one way to Heaven and that is through Jesus. He is the only way, the only truth, and the only life and no one gets there except through Him. All you have to do is believe He came and died for your sins and was raised from the dead. But many choose not to believe it. Many choose to live there own way and not for Him but that is their choice and it is very sad."
Now I have never (well maybe not never but rarely) been that bold in my life. Definitely a work of the Spirit. His response was sweet but I was not sure if he really agreed. He said, "Yeah, mon. Jesus. Yeah mon."
When we got back on the boat and were leaving that place I looked at the island and it was overshadowed with a darkness. A storm was coming in. I told the Lord that that was such a true representation of what I saw on that island. But I was so burdened and asked God if there was any hope for them. That is when He gave me the most beautiful rainbow I have every seen. Now this was no ordinary rainbow. The picture I used is not what I saw. I had no camera to catch the moment but everyone around me was astonished at this rainbow. We could see the end of it and it was connected to the island on one side but the other came out into the water. This rainbow moved until the end of it stopped directly in front of me. I am not kidding. If I could have moved 10 more feet forward I could have touched it. It was such a breath taking site. Then, in that moment, I felt God speak to me that there was still hope. That the praying He had me doing on that island was not in vain and He was with those people.
You see the rainbow was given as a sign, a covenant of God's promise not to destroy the earth again with water to Noah and his family after the flood. That sign still stands for God's promise of covenant. Later on in time God's covenant meant more. Part of that was that He would never forsake His people. So whenever He shows me a rainbow it reminds me of covenant with God. It reminds me of His great mercy and grace. It is a beautiful sign of His promise.
That's great that you were so bold in your testimony.
That is something that I wish I was more confident in.
I love Rainbows too- we had a similar experience in Russia when we were adopting Halle. That country has a very dark feeling to it as well and one night there was the most beautiful rainbow. It did feel like God was telling me that He was very much present there also and not to give up hope on the people there.
My sister Angela! princess!
I am thrilled that you wrote a post! sounds alittle off the wall huh? I haven't had much time to stop but seems when I do you are sending me to other sites....they are all very good...however, I have been praying for you to write. YOu are a very gifted writer and God has blessed you with talents that are all yours. Please don't stop writing your heart to fit in with others. Love ya, keeping your beautiful princess heart in my prayers!
Isn't it so cool the way God meets us at the very point of our need!!! Rainbows are such a lovely gift from our Lord and I always thrills to see one. I was convicted today at church about praying for other countries. We had a Ga Baptist Missionary speak at our church and the one thing he said that really impacted me was that someone's grandmother used to put her Bible in her left hand and a globe on her right hand. She would spin the globe and then use her finger to stop it. The country that she was pointing to when the globe stopped was the one she prayed for that day!! Is that not just a cool way to pray?
I'm going to start doing that. Thanks for the post that simply re-inforced the importance of praying for other countries.
What a great story! Your boldness, and God's obvious presence with you that day--Wow!
Yes, God always keeps his promises! We can trust him!
Lovely word picture of your trip and things God is showing you. And what you said to the man in the taxi, God's Word never returns void. You were a light in the darkness that day.
I'm here via the Writers Ring, just joined.
Susan Kelly Skitt
Contributing Author
A Cup of Comfort Devotional for Women
A Cup of Comfort Devotional for Mothers
God Allows U-Turns for Women
The One Year Life Verse Devotional
I'm so glad that you finally told this story!!!! I love it and it gives me chills everytime I hear it!
Love you girl!
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