Saturday, September 8, 2007


Earlier I posted that my daughters and I are studying through the book of Proverbs together. We are only to Proverbs 4 but so far this is what we have been doing. We break each Proverb into bite sized pieces.

Proverbs 1 we did an activity based on verses 8-10, 15-16 "Listen, my son, to your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching, They will be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck. My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to son, do not go along with them, do not set foot on their paths for their feet rush into sin."

We came up with many examples of people enticing them to do wrong and practiced the right responses.

The next activity we did was from Proverbs 2:7-8 "He holds victory in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless,for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones."

Our activity was like a chase game. And when the bad guys got to us we said the Lord is my shield and the enemy fell down. They loved it and we laughed a lot! There are many activities that can go with Proverbs 2 for young children like a treasure hunt (v.4) and following the right path kind of activity (v.9-15).

Finally from Proverbs 3:3 "Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart."

For the activity we made necklaces that said love and faithfulness and "bound them" around our necks. Based on v.9 a giving activity could be done also. Also something about staying on the right path and trusting the Lord (v.5-6) Also something on discipline and why it is important based on v. 11-12.

Anyway, we are having fun and they are really learning this this way. So it may take us a year to get through but at least it will stick as they begin to hide these words in their hearts. I have been so guilty at times to just check my study time off of a list to say I did it that this is helping me see this way is much better. Do we do it everyday? No. It is our goal but not to check it off the list but to really learn and stay focused on the Lord. To know Him better. I am grateful for this record. This entry I suppose is more for myself but if it helps anyone else or if anyone has any suggestions then please do let me know. Blessings!


ocean mommy said...

Love these ideas! I'm going to use some of them with chloe and emma! We've been reading a Proverb a day, but breaking it down, and having "fun" with it makes it sink in extra deep!

You just inspire me!
There's your next book girlfriend! :)
Love you

Little Steps Of Faith said...

OH MY:) I think that is soooo awesome girl!
First of all, it is perfect that you are breaking the verses down, it IS easier to understand, and I think that is how God would rather us learn, because its like taking bites and enjoying it, supposed to stuffing it down all at once! Great!
And I love the necklacei idea...:)

The next place you can go with them is starting from the beginning, breaking it down.

I love at my disciple class I was reading Gen 1 and it says there that the world was dark before He touched it....what it showed me was the world had a void from the beginning...WOW.

God is awesome how He shows us things:)

BTW, Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog.
I wrote it out first in my prayer journal, but I really like to share things with my siestas, it helps us all stay accountable standing together; so I do:)

Be Blessed Siesta, may you enjoy the day He created just for you!



Cheri said...

This was not a coincidence that I "found" your blog recently. I just went through Proverbs last month but I felt like I was missing something from it. I'm going to go through it again but this time with my girls. What wonderful ideas! Do you come up with the activities to go along with the verses or did you find them somewhere? Thanks for sharing this!

Anonymous said...

You are a good mommy! I will keep praying for you and yours..the young years of our children can not be replaced with anything..we cant get them back after they are grown...feeding them HIS word is awesome. I am sure HE is smiling on YOU!

Anonymous said...

This is brilliant. I think I need to make a necklace. Wonderful.

CelticMuse said...

I love reading proverbs. I'm only on chapter 10 though. I enjoyed reading your blog.

Kathy said...

I agree with Ocean mommy--this would make a great book!

Lori ~ The Simple Life at Home said...

Wonderful, wonderful post. You are inspiring me to start going through Psalms with my daughter. Thanks for sharing all this with us.

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