I was browsing through pictures and stumbled across this one. This is a picture of me and my most dear and precious prayer partner friend, Tiffany. Now I did not ask permission or tell her I put this up here-I know it would embarrass her because she is so humble. We have been praying together for over two years now. Life circumstances have caused us to have to take a break from meeting in person at times but we always get praises and concerns and lift those up to the Lord together for one another. We have been so blessed to see so many answered prayers from minor things to big issues. There is nothing better than a prayer partner. Tiffany is one of my best friends. She is so near and dear to my heart. She is the absolute sweetest person I know. I doubt I will ever meet anyone sweeter than her. She has a heart for God and desires so much to please Him. She just oozes Jesus out to everyone who sees her. She is a worship leader (though I doubt she would call herself that) who leads others in worship to our Lord. She ushers them right up to the Father's throne and it is so precious. Her love for Him is so evident. She is a wonderful servant who is always there when someone is in need. When I was so ill and laid up with Lyme disease and unable to do much of anything, she was the first person I let sweep my floor. I sat and cry ed while she sweep, did dishes, and whatever else she could sneak in to help without my protest. She loved on my children (and still does), cooked meals for us, and encouraged and prayed for us. I have learned so much from her through her words, example, and love for others. I am so blessed to have her as my friend. I am praising God for her. I challenge you to get a prayer partner if you do not already have one. It is a great way to celebrate Christ and the power of prayer. It is also a good way to be accountable to one another. Thank you Tiffany for enduring and persevering with me even when it got hard! I love you girl!
Oh how I love my prayer partner!!
I wish I had a picture of the two of us, but I don't. Amen on all you said and we must all have one.
There is nothin' like 'em! I love mine!
She is precious! And she does make everyone around her want to love Jesus a little more!
She'll just have a fit when she finds out you did this!!
love ya!
sweet tiffany! Thanks for the reminder girl!!!
What a beautiful entry. Thanks for sharing the praiseworthy with us!
Aww. what a great tribute!
I think your friend would be floored by that, and that is cool:)
It is amazing the kinds of people that enter our lived because of Jesus; instead of those we choose for ourselves.
I have a friend that used to be my prayer partner, she was a worship leader too, and I think for a time we were at the same place in our faith, so it worked well, but then life circumstance happens, and we are still good friends, but don't have time like we used to. And its ok:)
My other prayer partner is my Pastor's wife; and her and i have been close forever, but its all been in mentoring me since I was 17, and she is the hardest person to really be there for, and pray for, but God is showing me how;
because I know the time she has given out of her own life for me, will be worth mine:-)
Be Blessed, and keep them close!
Ah. The faces of two sweet friends. Tiffany's spirit is worth writing about.
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