Saturday, January 25, 2014

Prayer is Important - Don't Be As Unwise to Battle Without It


I was at a seminar today that was intended to engage the faith community to partner with the efforts they were discussing. The sad part about this entire presentation is that the key element of any Christian work was missing. Sure we did pray as we opened as most Christian gatherings do but this critical element in the battle against this beast was neglected.

We are fooled if we think we can take on an enemy that has existed from the very beginning by our plan. We must be praying people before we set out to take on any enemy. I was saddened by this. Also, we must absolutely see all of our efforts in the light of the gospel. We do battle and take on the enemy because he is assaulting the glory of God.

The topic was the problem with slavery in our day and age. There are 27 million people trapped in some kind of slavery. It is very prevalent in most of our backyards if you live in America. Education is needed but mobilizing God's people to pray and fight in the power of the gospel are the key factors we must keep at the forefront.

Here is a great quote that resignated with me when thinking of fighting any battle but seriously includes the battle against modern day slavery;

"Pray is critical because every piece of Christian armor is useless without it. Prayer is like oil. Just as every part of an engine is useless without oil, so every part of Christian warfare is vain without prayer. Fighting Satan without prayer is like David fighting Goliath in Saul's armor. The armor doesn't fit, and it is ineffective against the blows of the enemy." ~Joel Beeke

We do need to do something about this huge problem of slavery. We do need to fight but let us not be ignorant to move ahead taking on an enemy who is wiser and stronger than us. Let us pray. Let us seriously pray Scriptures and pour our hearts out until there is no air left. God hears our prayers. He will activate the armor to work. He will move mountains but not by our effort by His effort and through our prayers.

Let us wake up church to the horrible things happening all around us. Let us pray. Let us have eyes to see the hurting and walk alongside them. Let us move as He directs and guides. Let us clothe ourselves with His armor so we can properly fight. Let us pray!

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