Sunday, December 30, 2007

He Makes All Things New


“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:18-19).

Every new year we are set on making new resolutions for a new year. Things that perhaps we failed at or have been waiting for a chance to start over again. It is a time for new things and a fresh start. The greatest thing is that it does not take a new year to have a fresh start with God. When we mess up, we need to confess and He gives us a new start. There is nothing He cannot make new-Nothing. So as you read these verses from Isaiah they should bring us hope. They apply to us. I have written them as I believe the Lord would be saying them to us personally today. Hope you enjoy and have a blessed New Year!

My child, forget about all things that have happened in the past. Forget missed goals, marks, and disappointments. Quit letting them rule your mind. Give those things to me. They are too much for you to carry. You were not meant to carry them. They are done-finished. Don’t give them another thought.

Look at me. I am doing something new and amazing in your life. Trust me my child. It will be great. Keep focused and watch me. Hear me and listen. I will show you the way. When I do things they are on purpose and planned. I do things very good. I make no mistakes.

You know those dry places in your life? I am going to quench them with my living water. Wait for me. There are things you may not understand but I know. I see. You know those decisions you are not sure of? Yes, my child, I am going to make the path clear. That place that seems so unsure to you? I will give you assurance.

Keep your eyes on me and look to me. I will make all things new. You are after all a new creation in me. Live that way and believe it my child. You are mine and I love you deeply. I am always with you. I direct your steps so just follow me.


ocean mommy said...

Love this verse so much. And I especially love the way you personalized it.

Love you!

Kara Akins said...

Beautiful and sooo needed!
You can put me on your list again but I don't know how often I am going to blog. It's up to you.

Anonymous said...

This Isaiah verse is one of most favorite, and with each step I take in faith, HE reminds me that HE does something me, through me, and around me! Maybe it is just the girl in me..but I love new!

Anonymous said...

Great post, Angela. Isn't God good?

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

I love this. It really jumped out at me, God really wanted me to read this. Thanks for blessing me.

Susan Skitt said...

What a blessed assurance that our Lord guides us :)

Thank you and may you have a very happy New Year because of Jesus :)

Kathy said...

That was amazingly powerful, Angela! Thank you!

Susannah said...

This is a wonderfully encouraging thought: The greatest thing is that it does not take a new year to have a fresh start with God. When we mess up, we need to confess and He gives us a new start. There is nothing He cannot make new-Nothing. Amen!

When you get the chance, please stop by for my New Year's party. :~D

Mel @ Studio MCA Designs said...

Thanks for the reminder! Happy New Year!

LAUREN at Faith Fuel said...

"Believe it"- yes,let me start right there.

Alicia @ said...

Hi Angela!! What a great verse you shared!!

I am choosing to live well also....I will post something on it tomorrow~

In Him,

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Princess! love you!!

Tam said...

Angela, thank you for your kind words to my post today. It means so much to me to be encouraged by such Godly, beautiful women. Thank you!

Happy New Year!

Be blessed!

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about the verse,"make me new". It gives me hope that God can renew our tired and weary spirits and make us His again. I hope and pray that Jesus works in my life and continues to come closer and closer so that I really feel His love more than anything. Blessings,Rose

Living Beyond said...

UNBELIEVABLE - Angela you will not know this but your Words are a DIRECT prophectic Word to my heart this morning. Oh if I had time to share the journey of 2007 with you I would but I would be here alllll day. Anyway THIS verse THIS very verse God has spoken to me time and time and time again in 2007 - it would appear in the most unexpected places and I would just know it was Him. I could just bawl right now you have no idea. And what a GODincidence that we were matched at the New Years Party.

You listed everything so beautifully that we do seem like a good match. And yes people often tell me I have a sweet spirit - I'm not bragging but I'm often amazed by this comment - I can tell you have one too.

Happy New Year lady - may the Blessing of our Jehovah God be great upon you - I'm looking forward to getting to know you more in 2008!

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