Saturday, December 29, 2007

Book Meme

Angie at LSOF tagged me with this book meme. I love books so here we go.

1. One book that changed your life - The Bible. And a book that has truly changed and impacted my life was "Falling in Love With Jesus" By Dee Brestin and Kathy Troccoli. If you ever struggle with God's love this is a must read.

2. One book that you have read more than once - The Bible-I do not usually read books more than once unless it is for a quick reference or I skim it. If you are like me if is a discipline to not read the Bible in the same way.

3. One book you would want on a deserted Island - "Jesus the One and Only" by Beth Moore.

4. One book that made you laugh - "Mommy's Locked in the Bathroom: Surviving Your Child's Early Years with Your Sanity and Salvation Intact!" By Cynthia Sumner.

5. One book that made you cry - "I Surrender All" by Clay and Renee Crosse-They have a wonderful ministry called Holy Homes. Well worth checking out.

6. One book that you wish had been written - An instruction manual that is specific to each child given. It should come at the hospital before you leave and be specific to each child. :)

7. One book that you wish had never been written - Anything trying to accomplish evil. Words have the power of life and death.

8. One book you are currently reading - "Boundaries With Kids" by Cloud and Townsend and "Managing Your Moods" by Mary Graham. I will probably pick up a few others. I read several at one time. Not sure why I do this.

9. One book you have been meaning to read - "Forever in Love With Jesus" by Dee Brestin and Kathy Troccoli.

I am tagging Sanya, Kathy, Jodi, Cheri, and Lee.


jodi said...

Hey! Thanks for the tag! I'll post my list soon.

Also, I've read the "Mommy's Locked in the Bathroom" book and I laughed and cried all the way through it! :)

Anonymous said...

good pics! I am a lover of JOO too!! my favorite easy reading before bed!

Andrea said...

Just found your blog - nice! These are all great books! I have young kids too and really loved "Shepherding a Child's Heart" by Ted Tripp.
I'll check back again!

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