Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Starbucks Mocha Fast


Well, my 40 day Mocha fast is about to end. I have had two that were bought for me as gifts and that was part of the exception rule. The first gift was from my hubbie at our marriage conference and that was sweet of him, especially since it is my love language!

The second was when I was with my brother over Thanksgiving. We are lovers of the mocha and I think he thought it would not be the same if we didn't partake together! :) I rarely get to see him in person, usually we talk while in the drive thru over a cell phone!

I love fasting because it does seem to break strongholds. With both of those I received I did not have that addicted desire. I also do not feel like I have to run out and get one. That is a great feeling to be free. I have to do this from time to time with things that seem to get out of order in my life.

The sweetest part is that unknown to me the day I can partake again happens to fall on my birthday! God is so good. Every good and perfect gift comes from Him. So, on that day I will partake and we will see where it goes from there!


Susan Skitt said...

Good for you girl. I hope to learn to be as disciplined when it comes to their hot chocolate...

Living Beyond said...

WELL DONE - I love that Mocha is part of your love language - right on!!!

tammi said...

Congratulations! Hmmmmm, if I wasn't taking online courses from a distant college, I'd seriously consider fasting from my computer. I like how you said you do this from time to time when certain things in your life are not in order. I've got several of those kinds of things.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Good for you by the way! You sound very diciplined.

AbbyLane said...

ooo girl...i think this fast will be entering my life soon...i've just got to stop...hahaha...

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