Ephesians 5 is one of my favorite marriage passages in the Bible. It is such a perfect example of how a marriage should look. If we all took the time to surrender to the Spirit and walk by Him in our marriages the pains of divorce would be mostly non-existent. Walking by the Spirit involves dying to our selfish desires and living for Christ alone. This is completely impossible without the power of the Holy Spirit. We have the Holy Spirit in us if we are believers and that makes all things possible through Him, that is surrender.
Marriage is Christian in origin because God established this relationship for what it was suppose to be in the garden when He created the first two people on earth, Adam and Eve. As with every thing God has established for our good, there is always a bad that goes along with it. That is, marriages not being lived out in a godly manner. Not lived out in a way that should represent Christ and the church.
A marriage relationship is a representation of Christ's relationship to the church. So, in our marriages, do we represent Him well? Are we being great examples of Christ to others when they see our marriages? Wouldn't it be wonderful if people could just look at us when we are out with our spouses and just know there was something different and that something is what we all need--Christ. This could be the greatest witnessing tool of all for our society. Why don't we all ask God to give us hearts to submit to Him? Let us see what a difference our lives will make in the world just by a true example of living by the Spirit.
"Wouldn't it be wonderful if people could just look at us when we are out with our spouses and just know there was something different and that something is what we all need--Christ." Here is something to pray for. Well said. I often pray that people will see Jesus in me. Now I'm going to expand my prayer to our marriage. Good insight.
I love how you remind us that our marriage is a symbol of Christ's relationship with the church. If we could only remember that all the time! Then, silly things wouldn't seem so bad. Great job with this piece!
I love how you said this! I really want my marriage to reflect Christ and how He loves his bride!
A wonderful post, thankyou for sharing.
Awesome post Ang!
Love you!
Hey Angela,
This was great, and so true.
I love when you said;
"Walking by the Spirit involves dying to our selfish desires and living for Christ alone."
This is truly the key to making our marriages work and our work with Christ as well. Great reminder, I always need to hear that.
Good Evening, Thank you for your visit and sweet comments on my post regarding this topic. I also enjoyed what you had to say. Who knows maybe our marriages do so example it more than we know. Wouldn't you just love to be a butterfly on a wall sometimes...We are 25 years plus together. In the season when so many of our old friends are coming to us for help before the dreaded hardness takes over completely.
Fantasic Angela. You've "nailed" it! This spoke to me: Walking by the Spirit involves dying to our selfish desires and living for Christ alone. This is completely impossible without the power of the Holy Spirit. We have the Holy Spirit in us if we are believers and that makes all things possible through Him, that is surrender.
When we learn to surrender to the Spirit, submitting or surrendering to our husbands comes much more easily.
Also, your point that our marriages are God's most powerful object lesson to a dying world is excellent. Before I became a Christian, I remember observing solid Christian marriages and wondering what made them different. I pray your marriage is one of those--a silent witness to the most perfect relationship ever: Christ and his Church.
Thanks for participating in Marriage Monday today. I hope you'll join us again next month!
Hugs, e-Mom
Amen. This is an area God has been convicting me about in the last few years. Daily dying to self and letting the Holy Spirit take control... oh how important, especially in our marriages because it is God's representation of the relationship between Christ and the true Church (body of Believers). Thank you for that extra nudge in the right direction my friend :)
AMNE lady!! Everybody else said what I'm thinking so I'm just gonna AMEN them all - thank you for your blog.
This was a good post. There so many of those this month ist is really exciting to see how each individual expresses herself through her post.
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