Saturday, May 14, 2011

Book Review: The Band That Played On by Steve Turner

I received a copy of this book at no charge from the publisher for the purpose of review.

This book is an account of the eight band members that played until their deaths on the ship the Titanic. They were credited as heroes for their sacrifice of staying in place to inspire and bring comfort through music instead of securing a place for themselves in the lifeboats. There was not enough space for all the people to be lowered into these life boats. So they assembled and played music to keep the passengers from panic.

 This book was written as a "Christian" book because it explores the faith of these eight gentlemen. Unfortunately there is not much information on them to know clearly where they all stood in faith. Some had more information than others. It was interesting to read of their backgrounds. However among this interesting information there was also too much of the dry and boring technical information. Things like different addresses they lived at and the like. It was really hard for me to get through because it was very boring in many places. This book would have been better if it was written with more of a flow that made it easier for reading. Instead it was just like a list of historical records. Because of that I would not recommend this book unless you are doing a very detailed research project or these men are one of your ancestors.

You can get a copy of this book from Amazon at the link above.

1 comment:

Mining for Diamonds said...

THe premise sounds interesting to me, because as I understand they were a string quartet, right? At least that's what the movie showed, lol! But that's only 4...I wonder now about the other 4! Hmm...I also heard there was debate about what the last song was they played. "Nearer My God to Thee" sounds more likely!!!

By the do you get these books free from publishers? I've always wondered that, I see bloggers say that all the time when they review books. I'd like to get on a list like that, it's probably the only way I could afford books!!!!

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