Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dancing with the One You Love by Cindy Easley - Great book on Submission


I received a copy of this book free of charge from the publisher for the sake of review.

The subtitle of this book is Living Out Submission in the Real World. Now before you stop reading right there I ask you to reconsider and read on. The topic of Biblical submission has been one of great controversy with women. However, God does ask women to submit to their husbands in Scripture. Now there are exceptions to this rule and I will not get into these in a book review. However, if you are looking for a good solid Biblical book on the topic this is it.

This book is broken up into practical chapters of what submission is supposed to look like in marriage. It even goes into the details of dealing with a chronically ill mate, an absent mate due to job like military, and situations of abuse to name just a few. I found this a very practical and helpful tool for marriage.

Cindy is the wife of Michael Easley who is a great teacher of the Bible you can listen to on Moody radio. I really enjoy listening to him. He adds a chapter in this book for husbands as well. Basically it boils down to submission being a choice that is never to be forced. We can bring great glory to God in our marriage by how we chose this behavior. I do suggest this read. You will be better off for reading this.

1 comment:

Kyles said...

Does it deal with being the chronically ill spouse?

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