I just love Pray magazine. I have been a subscriber for over a year now and have been so moved by it. I just wanted to share something from this months issue that I liked and wanted to implement as a prayer idea.
Since we wait in so many lines the idea was to pull out your cell phone and look at your contacts. Lift each name up in prayer as you wait.
What a simple yet brilliant idea. In prayer I feel like I forget so much or so many people but I am going to start this.
If you want more info on pray magazine you can go here.
That is a great idea!
I like hearing tips on prayer.
Have a fabulous day!
That's a great idea, Angela! Thanks for sharing! I have a friend who gave me the idea to pray as I fold laundry for the person who's clothes I'm folding..of course this would only be my family, but I often don't feel i spend enough time praying for them. This has helped. I have even started being specific...like when I fold my son's shirt I pray for his heart to be sold out for Jesus, when I fold underwear I pray for purity, when I fold socks I pray they'd be bold to go where Jesus leads.
I LOVE that idea!!! What a great tip!
I've read a few issues through the years. Very nice magazine.
In fact, one time I got a "prayer card for parents" from it. It was an insert of a simple list with ways to pray specifically for your children with Scriptures to go with it. I still have it and use it often as a wonderful reminder of God's design for our lives.
I like that idea of praying for your cell phone contacts. Mine is a bit limited, but my son would have a TON to pray for. His list is a mile long... teens and texting ... gotta love 'em!
i'm pretty sure we get this magazine at our seminary. i know i've seen it somewhere.
Great prayer ideas from you and the comments. I also pray for strangers when I am out. Many times you can detect fear, worry, sadness on people's faces. We never know but God placed us there to pray for them without a single word from our mouths.
Magazine: how does one order it?
Thanks for the great mention about Pray! magazine.
Kay, you can subscribe here...
Julie Langmade
NavPress/Pray! Magazine
That is such a great idea! Whenever I hear people talk about praying, I can't help but think of the book by Bruce Wilkinson - http://www.thejabezprayer.com/
How simple and yet powerful one persons prayer can be! Thank you for all the great ideas on here.
What a great tip!
Sorry I haven't been able to jump in on your bible study yet...my life has been overwhelming lately with all kinds of craziness. I promise I'm going to sit down and listen to these podcasts as soon as I can!!
I am going to try to order this magazine. I will google it and am sure I can get it. What a great idea, one that I will use today.
Thanks so much for the Bible study. I am reading it, but have not been able to participate in the questions. I have had so many things this week I barely have time to blog but know that I am finding the study awesome and I am reading the next post in a minute with the questions. I think once August 1st comes (first day of school for my kids) I will be able to participate more so I am hoping you will do another one after this. Thanks so much and sorry to hear you had my incorrect e-mail address. Thanks for trying anyway and thanks for being able to get the studies to me in the long run. I am going to read the 3rd part starting in a minute, that's how backed up I am.
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