Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Beautiful Art of Mothering - Beauty through Brokenness

Mothering is really an art form. It is full of complexities and different colors. It can be something that paints a beautiful picture or one of doom. The influence that God gives parents is incredibly terrifying.

Children come as a blank canvas mostly. Yet God knows the plans He has for them. He knows the number of their days. He knows every detail about each one. He thinks of children as precious and He allows us to birth them sometimes and other times He allows our family to be built in ways like adoption.

Mothering either way comes with brokenness. There is a new challenge of laying your life down for the lives of our children. This will break you of selfishness. Yet it is a choice if you refuse to lay your life down the brokenness is felt by your child. Fruit is grown good or bad based on what we decide.

When you birth your child your body is broken. It really does put a huge work on your body. That is why it is called labor. Your body will never be the same as it was before. Yet that brokenness is healed and formed differently now. There is a strange beauty to this type of brokenness. For the reward is wonderful. A sweet baby full of opportunity and life a new.

When you adopt a child there is a form of brokenness. For some reason the very parents God allowed to birth the child have died or forfeited to properly care. It is difficult to swallow what kind of things happen in this type of brokenness. However, God still has a plan to bring restoration and healing. What was once broken can be restored. God works in these situations as the Savior and Rescuer He is. Beauty can come from the ashes. Where there was selfishness selflessness can now bring forth fruit.

Jesus came into the world. He had to die to His self and put on flesh, even flesh as an infant to rescue us and be like us. He chose this way of life and it is only by Him and in Him we can follow after by picking up our crosses and dying to self. He came through the birth canal of Mary. God man with flesh on. I bet His first cries were beautiful to the ears. The Christ child was here. Beauty from brokenness.

As Joseph watched this even and saw this child first hand, I bet that cry was beauty to his ears. This child he would adopt as a son of his own flesh. From brokenness came wholeness. What a beautiful picture! What a beautiful night!

What a privilege there is in mothering, though it is not easy it is good. It is an art form that takes time to master. Lots of practice, lots of love, and lots of grace and out of it a beautiful picture is displayed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing! I found you via the precept website :)

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