Saturday, December 15, 2012

Looking for Someone to Blame After the Horrific Elementary School Shootings

Immediately after sin entered the world we see Adam then Eve blame others instead of taking responsibility for their sins against God. Blame is part of our sin nature as human beings. We want to know why. We want justice. Then we operate in fear. We become self-righteous and forget to see our own sin.

This is not okay. There are simply some things we will never understand or know the answers.

One thing I can tell you is that because the shooter was white, that does not make all white people evil.

Because he had has been labeled as aspergers that does not mean those with autism are like him.

Because he had access to multiple fire arms does not make fire arms wrong or bad.

Because he walked into a public school does not mean that kids must not go to school.

I have seen many statements floating around out there in cyberspace. The fact is that since the fall this world is full of trouble and evil. There is not a thing you can do to avoid it. Pulling your kids out of the public school system is not a guarantee of safety. Banning all firearms is not a guarantee of safety. Keeping away from those who have mental illnesses is not going to keep you safe. The fact is we cannot be a society that operates on fear.

I get it America wants someone to blame. But do not let fear rule you. We must pull together and move forward. We must weep with those who weep. We must pray for comfort. We must use the knowledge gained the best we can to try to keep our families safe but random evil lurks and attacks when we least expect it. I hate that and it is one of the things that helps me remember that this earth is not our home. We have a better place waiting for us that evil will not exist in. Are you in Christ? If so Heaven is your true home, this stop over is just temporary and all the pain experienced here will end. The ultimate joy will be experienced then and I believe and trust those precious babies are there now in the complete rest and joy of God.

While their families remain grieved and broken we mourn alongside and pray for comfort. This has been a great tragedy for our country as a whole. Lord, heal us all. Help us to remember the families and continue to help them through our prayers. Help us to remember we have a Savior who is acquainted with our grief. Don't waste your time on the blame game instead run into the arms of our Savior who weeps alongside, who knows what this grief feels like, who is not afraid of our questions, who holds us tight.

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