Sunday, December 9, 2012

Isaiah Chapter 6 - An Amazing Redeemer, A Tough Calling

I love the sixth chapter of Isaiah. It is one of my favorites scenes in the Bible yet it is conflicted. It has a bittersweet tone to it. You must read it all. It is incredible really!

In the year King Uzziah dies...
The state of Israel was at an all time economic high. They were thriving in many ways. They were very prosperous in this time period. As with many nations when in a great and extended time of prosperity they tend to take their focus off of God and onto themselves. Unfortunately this had happened to Israel.

Do you see any parallels with this wisdom regarding your country and leadership?
If yes take heart because as we continue to study we will see that God is in control of all things. He has a plan and purpose and He will see it through. He is continually at work bringing those that will belong to Him to repentance.

Isaiah then gets an amazing and rare glimpse into the very throne room of God. We get a description of his robe and some creatures who continually worship before Him. What was Isaiah's response to this amazing sight?!

Isaiah is undone! As we should be if we get even a glimpse at God in all His amazing glory. Isaiah realizes he is unclean, he should not be in the presence! Upon Isaiah's confession one of the creatures gets a live coal from the altar. With this he touched Isaiah's lips making Him clean by forgiving his sin.

Immediately after this confession and cleansing Isaiah can hear the voice of the Lord. The Lord is asking whom shall he send? and Isaiah is happy to volunteer. God then tells him to essentially prophesy to a people who will not hear him. They will not listen to what he is saying!

Now this could be very discouraging yet it exposes our motivation for service unto the Lord. If I know that I am to speak to a people who will not respond I may be tempted not to follow the call because I want to see fruit. However, the true motivation should be to accept a call God gives because we love Him and want to follow through in obedience to Him. It should not matter how man responds to us.

That is a good word for us to remember. Often we will go out spreading the seed of the gospel but it will fall on deaf ears. Yet we must be obedient in the task. God moves in people directing their response. And if they respond as verse 10 says they will repent and be healed.

Isaiah asks a great question, "How long, sovereign master?"

The Lord responds by giving Isaiah insight into the coming exile. So basically it will last Isaiah's entire life and ministry.

Now we can be encouraged by this, it does not depend on us how people respond to the word of God we just must be obedient in spreading it around.

The Lord has a plan and we must trust it even when we do not completely understand.

The Lord has everything under His control and will fulfill His promises.

1 comment:

Steve Finnell said...

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