Monday, March 31, 2008
Another update on the Homeschool Conference
Please Do Not Be Lead Astray-Oprah's New New Age Movement
I am not sure about the book they are advertising here and do not endorse it but the info is very scary at how easily people can be lead astray. Here is truth-God is love(1 John 4:16)-that is truth. God does not want anyone to perish(2 Peter 3:9, John 3:16)-That is truth. Yet God gives us a choice and in that choice there is only ONE way(John 14:6)-That is truth. Please pray for all these people who have been lead astray but especially for the source-Oprah-Father, forgive her for she doesn't know what she is doing(Luke 23:34). I cannot help but remember how Adam and Eve were deceived in the garden by the serpent twisting Scripture. That is what we see here. Then Jesus was tempted by the same serpent in the wilderness and He knew the truth-it is only the truth that will set you free (John 8:32) and make the devil and his lies flee(James 4:7).
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Lord Awaken Me!
To see others choices go here.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
A Virtual Homeschool Conference
Wellness Wednesday

Well, just a quick post to let you know I am still here. Things have been crazy with my sprain and then my husbands medical issues lately. But God is good and has been so completely good to us. We are having a great time growing deeper in Him through this present and momentary time of trial.
Health wise I believe we are on the same page now about just eating better and wiser. So we are really into living well. :)
To track others progress go here.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Confessions of a Former Mean Girl
"Confessions of a Former Mean Girl"
“We’ve come a long way, God” is all I could think as I sat and watched the home video of myself celebrating my fifteenth birthday. I could not believe the horrendous attitude. It was as if I thought that I had arrived and the world revolved around me. Now I am not opposed to birthday party fun or the person with the special day being treated special. But there is a definite line that can be and was crossed for me. I could not believe that such a girl existed. I was so obnoxious, it amazed me that I had friends at that party. And not just one friend that could put up with me but several who all seemed to enjoy my company, adding fuel to my destructive fire.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Happy Resurrection Day
Burn For You

Today I thought I would post my story about two songs that really ministered to me this week. Most of you know we have been going through some rough health stuff with my husband. We have been cooped up this week for most of the week. It is enough to really drain you. So, I had to just get out for a bit to pick up a couple of things. This time away was so good. I put in my Toby Mac Diverse City CD and played Getaway Car. It talks about getting out of here fast and far-I need a getaway car-I need to be where you are......Anyway, it was good.
I started talking to God about all that was going on and just wanted to see Him. He started to instruct me to take in the creation all around and that it was His. To behold Him in it. I was driving after a rather hard storm, it was beautiful. Mist was forming on the mountains all around me and it just looked astounding. God and I were talking and then I felt Him tell me to look back and there it was. The most beautiful rainbow. I have never seen one here in our city before. God seems to always use His rainbows to remind me of His precious promises to me.
Then Burn For You came on and the words, I'd rather burn for you then fade away came on....Oh God I would rather burn for you then fade away. I turned the corner and then I saw the entire rainbow again. It was amazing.
Here is a video of Burn For You-Toby Mac
Thursday, March 20, 2008
In a Flash
They get a scare. Life seems not so predictable anymore. They realize that they may not have each other as long as they once thought. In an instant everything changes. No warning, no hints, the reality of how short-term life is hits them.
Then they woke up to the reality that life was not meant to be lived in the mundane at all. Jesus came to give us a life that is enjoyable, full, and abundant (John 10:10). Maybe it is time that they start realizing that.
This is what has been going on lately in our lives lately. Life is short. It is but a breath. Let us be sure we do not waste it or take one another for granted.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
I have been searching for this treasure of a song for a couple of months now. I just found it and at the right time. I have heard it on the radio twice but never any idea who it was by. It is a Trevor Morgan song. It is based on those verses from Zephaniah 3:17. The one I was teaching to my girls. Here are the lyrics:
The Lord your God is with you.
He is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you.
He will quiet you with his love.
He will rejoice over you with singing.
He will rejoice over you with his song.
He will rejoice over you with singing.
He will rejoice over you with his song. Yeah.
And through the night (In your darkest hour)
When you are tired (And you've lost all hope)
He will hold you tight
You can listen to it on his myspace page here.
It is very appropriate because we do need to remember when we are going through a dark night or hour, when we are barely hanging on to hope of Him-God is with us. He sings over us. He rejoices over us. He does hold us tight. He gives us comfort, peace, and hope. I hope it blesses you!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Prayer Update
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Prayer Request
We know all things are in God's hands. We praise Him for His loving kindness.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

In honor of my 200th post I am posting a beautiful story of restoration! God is so good I tell you. It is appropriate especially if you read my 100th post, A Story I Did Not Want to Tell.
I was hurt deeply. I did not want to admit it but it was what it was. I did not want to talk to God anymore because He hurt me. Like in all other relationships the one I trusted the most still hurt me. Why? I was completely honest and open with Him. I had torn down all my walls. Why?
This day in my life lead me down a wonderful journey of healing and discovery. It has unearthed the most precious treasures in my life. I can truly say I now praise God for the experience. Yes it hurt but looking now at this side of it I have truly been blessed.
I do not have a time in my life that I can remember not talking to God. Though no one really explained it to me it seemed to be a very natural thing. When hurts came my way God would draw me away to a quiet place and I would pour my heart out to Him. It was natural. It was a gift.
With that gift I had become spoiled. I have seen so many prayers answered the way I prayed them. It was a blessing. People started recognizing me as the "prayer warrior." The one they wanted praying about the big stuff. It was nice to be recognized. Although I did not intend for this to happen, deep down pride started building up in my heart. I started to trust in the blessings and provisions of God more than God Himself. Something had to be done.
So, stirred by the Holy Spirit and with faith that could move mountains, I prayed that bus prayer. I was a fool in front of the entire bus because God said no that day. I cried for several hours straight. A crush to my pride. A deep hurt that started to cause me to build those walls of protection again. God was not allowed in those certain places anymore.
God was not done yet. He had bigger and better things in store. Through this process of healing He has deepened my walk with Him as I have learned to trust Him more. He has deepened our relationship and is teaching me to be a better prayer warrior. To trust His ways no matter what because even when I do not understand His ways are best.
On this side of the healing of my hurt. I have opened those places back up again to Him. He has taught me how to pour out my heart like David. He has never ceased to be faithful. He has waited patiently for me to come back to Him. He has applied that healing balm to my heart.
To confirm things to me and my doubts, God has placed two things in front of me. One, a girlfriend of mine has asked me to lead a prayer retreat. Two, God has confirmed that I am to go on a mission trip to Malta on a prayer walking mission. I just found out the day we start our "work" there is the international day of prayer. Oh God is so perfect in His timing.
So, that is my 200th post! :) It came much faster than my 100th. I wonder what that means?
Love to you all. Thanks for your wonderful friendships. I praise God for you.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
A Great Bible Study Opportunity
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Then Sing My Soul Saturdays!

Hey everyone. Amy is hosting a new Saturday meme. click on the notes above to see the details. Music always ministers to me in such a powerful way. She wrote about the Casting Crowns song, "I'll Praise You in This Storm." Go over and see what others are saying and feel free to participate. It will be fun to see what songs minister to each of us and help us get our groove on too!
I will post more next week! I hope many of you join us.
Friday, March 7, 2008
The Job Series-Let Our Words Be Few
Also, I realized I just hit my 200th post! It seems like just yesterday I hit 100. Do you do anything special for that?
Recipe Swap
So here is our families two quick and easy recipes that we love!
Chicken Enchiladas
10 tortilla wraps
1 Can chicken
1 package of shredded colby/jack cheese
1 8oz sour cream
1 jar salsa
Mix chicken, sour cream, and cheese together.
Spoon mixture into wraps and roll them up.
Place rolled wraps in pan.
Pour salsa over top of them.
Cook for 30 minutes at 350 degrees.
They are really good with rice or refried beans.
Dump Cake
1 package of white or yellow cake mix
1 Can of cherries or Apples or your favorite fruit
1 Stick of Butter
Pour fruit into pan
Sprinkled cake mix over fruit
Melt the stick of butter and pour it over pan
Cook at 350 for one hour.
Walmart-Part Two
I got the prescription back and took it on to, yes, Walmart. But I had a plan. I was going in the entrance that was least busy, my secret door. It was so crazy again there. Today it was 1:30-where are all the people coming from? It makes me wonder how this city keeps running with no one at their jobs!
I do think I may have solved this great mystery though. I think everyone is calling in sick from work. That has to be it because when I dropped off my prescription there was a long line waiting to pick up. I thought it would be down by the time 30 minutes was up when I was told to come back to pick mine up. I was wrong. The line was the same length but with different people. Thinking maybe it would go down I browsed for another 20 minutes. Then came back and the line was still the same length yet with even different people. It was like one of those roller coaster rides. They should have had a sign that said, average wait time xx minutes from this spot. Man, those poor pharmacy workers! I waited about 15 minutes and was told after that hour my meds were not yet ready to pick up yet. They were running behind.
I went on to my secret check out in the back and checked out a few items I snagged. Called my man who said he could wait on those meds and that I should just come on home right now. He really felt sorry for me. Especially since I had been waiting a total of two and a half hours to get his meds between those two pharmacies. But it was okay. I did get to get me a mocha and browse at Lifeway which are always a blessing. My ankle sure did get another workout though while I meandered around trying to kill some time. I guess this is physical therapy at its best.
Today, I was not in a foul mood. Praise God. I was in a good mood. So, that helped with all this waiting that was done today. A few hours later I decided to drive back because my hubbie really needed the medicine. I decided I probably needed to be really filled with the Word because I was moving back into the unknown land of Walmart. You never know what to expect. So I listened to the Bible on CD as I went. It was so refreshing. I had such a better attitude.
After listening to a wonderful rendition of Philippians, I arrived to my location. I even got a front row parking spot! Thank you Lord. I did not have to resort to my secret entrance. Then I headed back to the pharmacy and the line was, no kidding, the same length it was all the other times! I was really feeling for those poor workers. I finally got up to the cashier and she did not have my insurance information on the stuff so she had to have them start the process over. I had to get out of line and wait some more. This time I got to sit and listen for my name to be called which was good because I looked back at the line and it was the same length as it was when I started out! Man, something is really up.
Finally my turn came and I got to get what we needed and head out. As I sat there waiting for my turn I sat and observed. I started to pray for everyone in front of me. So many people were sick. So many people were in need. It was unreal. The line never stopped and those pharmacy people were swamped every minute. Their attitude stayed positive though. It was a great testimony to God's grace.
Lord, please send your healing touch to all those who are in need. We love You and thank You for Your grace. Thanks for always being with us, even in Walmart!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Walmart-seriously what is it?
I was in a foul mood-foul I tell you. I did not feel like dealing with people today. Do you ever feel that way? I did not feel like being nice. I did not feel like shining my light. I felt foul just foul.
Well, knowing that acting out my foulness was unacceptable, I muttered a sad prayer and went on in. My strategy was just not to look at anyone if I could help it. I noticed myself muttering my list to myself-in a whisper with my lips moving. What a site I must have been. I may have heard an announcement ordering security to check sector one. It was probably for me because I must have looked plain mad.
I piled things up in my cart. I needed serious groceries. The kind that fill the top and bottom of the cart. But I was on a sprain. Walmart has to be a couple of miles long. I got the work out of all workouts today! I needed stuff not only on the food side but also the non-food side.Ugghh.
It is just a necessary evil. I have a love-hate relationship with this place. It is the most bizarre thing I tell you. Finally being pretty successful at not being noticed by other customers it was time to check out. Check out girl was not a bit interested in me (she was in an intense complaint session with another employee about the customer before me) which was fine by me because I was flat tired I tell you. I just wanted to fall out on the floor and never get back up. My ankle was throbbing and I was done. I just wished that I could be invisible.
I mustered all my strength to collect my what seemed like two hundred bags of groceries and left that place worse off than I came. I passed the greeter guy on the way out and well I didn't have to smile at him either because he was busy picking at his elbow. So invisible I left. Some days I wish I just could be invisible. It would make things a whole lot easier. Yet, that is not possible.
On days we don't feel like it we have to be intentional about shining out light. We have to chose to be nice and kind by walking in the Spirit. We have to resist the devil so he will flee and draw near to God. In all of my weakness that is the only thing that got me through. I do think God knew my desire but also knew my weakness. His grace was sufficient for me-maybe He did allow me to be invisible today at Walmart. Nothing is impossible for Him.
This is just the ramblings of my head today. Sorry if I lost you today. Just lift a prayer will ya? A girl can use it on days like this!
*****UPDATE-This was from yesterday. Today I woke up in quite a better mood. :)
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Wellness Wednesday

Well ladies, you will never believe this but last Thursday I sprained my ankle! Oh my, what other things will come my way to set me back on this intentional journey I am chose to take? So that keeps me out of the gym longer now. It is okay though. I am doing some physical therapy workout stuff and hope to be up and around soon enough. I am still watching what I am eating as I re-coop. The best part about it is I am having much time with God. I have been getting some much needed reading and writing done. God has been directing my thoughts and it is very healing. So, that is where it leaves me for now. Hope you all have been doing great.
To track others click on the pear above.
BTW-If you know tweens or teens that need a good devotional website check the post below this one.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Rad Revolution
Spread the word for any young people you know out there.
Marriage Monday and Miracle Monday

You know when I found this topic , Is Divorce Ever Right?, had the most votes I was not very excited. I did not vote for this topic and do not have much input on it really. All I have to offer is my story.
I found Miracle Monday also so I am posting for this as well. This story is evidence of God's miracle in our life. For more Miracle Monday go here.
In the very beginning of marriage, even on the wedding day, I had thoughts of getting out. When the pressure became too much for me I was determined to search and find the escape clause. I knew their had to be one so that just in case I could run away. Running is something that had become a pattern for me. When things would get tough I would just run from them. Marriage was not going to be any exception to this rule.
There was a friend, my best friend of all time, in school. He was so great to hang out with. He was a "buddy." But on my wedding day he did not show up. It crushed my spirits deeply. The pain ran so completely deep. Well, like any crazy love story, I find out that he had feelings for me. Instead of running from this, I decided to use it to my advantage. You see my husband was very possessive at the time and did not meet my emotional needs. On the other hand I knew my friend would. It was no problem for me really. There was no physical relationship I reasoned. But he did have part of my heart.
Jesus said that if a man looks at a woman lustfully in his heart he has committed adultery. So shouldn't it be the same if a woman gives her heart away to another man. That is emotional adultery. So if adultery is a reason that one can get divorce it seems that what I did was the same thing. I committed adultery of the heart. But wait, it was me who was the guilty party. So I was the one in the wrong. My life was all about me. I did not want it to be my fault.
God used this unfortunate situation to wake me up. The escape clause I was looking for was not suppose to be for my husband. I was a sinner. I was the one in the wrong. That devastated me. At this time my husband was not a believer and I was suppose to be. If he walked away it would have been fine(Biblically) but he agreed to work it out. I confessed and we moved forward. It would be a few years later that God really grabbed hold of my heart to abandon all to Him. My husband took note of the change in me and knew he wanted to be different too. He then accepted Christ. A true miracle indeed.
To see what others are saying go to Marriage Monday.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
The Job Series
If you missed the first two you can still get them on the home page under devotions and past devotions. If you would like to sign up to get them automatically mailed to you weekly you can do that too by signing up by clicking the button on the left hand side that states, Subscribe to RMS.
Hope you all enjoy!