Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wellness Wednesday


Well, I am happy to report that things have been going well. We were out of town last week which can be a disaster for me but I did incredibly well with my eating. I do believe it is because I am more focused on this temple. With that said, I did work out in the hotel gym but did not weigh in because it was a different scale. I will check that all out when I get back to my normal gym scale this week.

My time with the Lord has been great. I am praying that everyone has a good week and experiences God in a new and more personal way this week. I cannot wait to see how everyone else is doing. To track progress click on the Pear above.


tammi said...

Good for you!! I think with our shift in focus, we will both be able to achieve a level of health and fitness like never before!!

Darlene Schacht said...

Yay, you had a good week too. So far this week is going so well for the ones that I read. I'm refreshed by all of you!

Ms. Kathleen said...

Wow! That is fantastic! Thanks for the encouragement you offer! God Bless!

Living Beyond said...

Well done - working out in a hotel gym that is HUGE. I only ever THINK about those things and it usually stays that way just a lovely thought!! Glad you are having good times with the Lord - may your know His presence and power in your day to day living.

You are a blogging blessing to me!!

ocean mommy said...

I know that God is blessing you for your hard work in this area of your life! You are inspiring me!

love you

Marsha said...

Way to go! My focus is on the Builder of this temple. What is His orginal intent for this temple? I become so convicted when I realize I've taken blueprints from His hands and created my own design. I'm in teardown mode right now so He can restart the building process once again.

Susanne said...

Great post! I am glad you have had success. God bless you my friend!

Christa said...

Great job, and thanks for checking in.

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