Friday, February 15, 2013

Book Review: Brass Heavens: Reasons for Unanswered Prayer by Paul Tautges

I received a copy of this ebook at no charge from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review.

I first want to say that I really like Cruciform books. They produce great quality gospel centered content for a very practical price. You must check them out here. You will not be disappointed.

Brass Heavens is a book about exactly what the title states: Reasons for Unanswered Prayer. It was very informative and filled with great biblical and practical information. It was never condemning but filled with grace laced words all the way through. It was probably the most encouraging book that I have read on the topic of prayer. I highly recommend it to everyone.

This book also addresses more than it's title states. In the beginning it gives a basis for prayer and talks about why we pray and how God delights in this. This is by far my favorite book this year. It is a must read. If I could afford to give you all a copy I would do that. That is just how wonderful I thought this book to be.

I am not sure what else I can say about this book besides what I have already. If you are interested in prayer, which all of us should be, then this book would be a beneficial read. It will grow you in a deeper understanding of prayer. A must read. If you do not buy any other book this year get this one.

To buy a copy from Cruciform go here. Also check out their interesting subscription book program.
To buy a copy from Amazon go here.

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