Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Thoughts on Ruth 2

You can read Ruth 2 here.

You can clearly see God here as provider and protector. Ruth and Naomi are back in Naomi's homeland with her people. Life for widows in this time period was very difficult. They would need a way to support themselves. God provided laws for this. Ruth heads out to do what she needs to for the family and she "happens upon" a field belonging to Boaz. You can see God all over this.

Boaz turns out to be a kinsmen redeemer. He is someone who can buy back their land and marry Ruth (though she does not know this yet). They are just meeting for the first time in this chapter. Boaz is a good guy. His mind is focused on God. He knows his workers well. He inquires of Ruth when he sees her working.

They meet. Ruth and Boaz. He knows of her reputation. She has worked hard all day in the fields. She left everything she knew to accompany her mother-in-law Naomi back to Bethlehem. He has heard. He tells her to stay in his field and he will protect her.

An interesting note about Boaz: His mother was also a foreigner. Boaz's mother was Rahab who helped the spies at Jericho. I think this is noteworthy because he probably learned from his mother to be sympathetic toward foreigners.

Ruth replies with great humbleness and thankfulness. She realizes her position as a foreigner. She does not expect anything. Yet Boaz treats her with great kindness. He invites her to dine with them. He also tells his men to purposely drop some pieces that Ruth can pick up making it easier for her. She takes all she collected home to her mother-in-law.

Naomi inquires of Ruth what field she went too. When Naomi finds out it was Boaz she reveals to Ruth he is a kinsmen redeemer and tells her to stay in his field like he offered. Ruth stays until the barley and wheat harvests were finished. Things seem to be looking up for Naomi and Ruth.

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