With the Spirit of God living in us we need to learn to walk in Him. That means completely surrendering our wants, wills, and desires to Him. Dying completely to ourselves and living completely for Him.
The fruit of the Spirit consists of love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. All that is inside of us through the Spirit of the living God within us. It is what we should be able to walk out daily submitted to Him.
Now walking this thing out in surrender is not so hard when things are going well. Sure we can easily walk it out when things go our way. However, how do you walk in the Spirit when you are in excruciating pain? Isn't it justifiable to be grumpy, mean, and hateful? Maybe impatient or demanding? Wouldn't it be fair to act that way when we feel so bad?
The answer to all of those questions is no. If we truly desire to walk in the Spirit then we need to let God teach us to walk this thing out in the difficult times. That is where true maturity is formed. That is how we become mature and complete in Him. That is how He shines brightly through us most. It is easy to walk these things out when life is good. When things are bad however it is not so easy.
This is where I am right now. God is teaching me how to surrender all my pain to Him. He is teaching me a deeper level of walking this life out in His Spirit completely surrendered to Him. After all that is what I desire. That is what I want. Too look more and more like Him day by day.
I wish I could tell you that I am getting a perfect score in this school of walking in the Spirit. I am not! I lose it with the kids, lacking patience. I grumble because I am tired of feeling horrible all the time. I doubt God's faithfulness because He won't just give this girl a break? I lose self-control because I am so angry and frustrated with feeling like I cannot do anything anymore.
I fail often but that is how we best learn. We fall down but we get back up again with God's help. He sharpens us and we learn and grow each time. So if you find yourself in some sort of trial, walk it out in the Spirit. It brings the most honor to God that way. Let Him teach you how to walk it out and do not beat yourself up when you fail at it. His grace is amazing and in this classroom of life we are becoming more and more like Him through these lessons.
Great post! Isn't it wonderful that Jesus paying for our sins on the cross took care of our old nature--it is dead. But He didn't stop there. He was raised so that we might live a new life, we are new creatures. Praise God! Now, though we have to fight the flesh, we can now live by and through the Spirit. We have everything we need to live this life called Christian. Everyday we must die to self and walk "in the newness of (this) life." He is awesome!
Oh Girl. I'm sorry.
Beth said last weekend that she was in a season where she was experiencing pain. Daily pain.
She commented that she finally had come to a place where she felt that God had entrusted her with that pain. Wow. ENTRUSTED!
Girl, God has entrusted you with this because you know that there is glory at stake. Even in this blog post you are pointing straight to God Almighty.
I love you girl..
Thanks for sharing. I'm sorry you're feeling so awful, Angela. Aren't we blessed to have a Savior who deeply cares for us? :~D
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