I must inform you that you are no longer welcome on my promise land. You had taken back possession of it for way to long now. It is my fault, I didn't guard it well enough and let you sneak in bit by bit.
Yes, you did scheme well, I got wrapped up in those lies and my mind ran away with those false things you spoke to me. Old companions came back. Bitterness, doubt, mediocrity, depression, and hate. They became my companions again. I let them live on my land. Your words are very convincing. This mind believed your lies and ran with them even further than I thought they would.
It is not right how you do not fight fair. But I have a word for you that is truth. You are a defeated foe. God has already beat you. I am more than a conquerer and overcomer because of who my Father is. I am building this house on the Rock of Him.
There will be no more threats, lies or deception allowed here. This is a good land where the Lord is building the house. He will never leave me or forsake me. He fights for me. He has allowed sifting but though you accused me, He continually is interceding for me.
He rejoices over me and cheers for me. For I belong to Him alone. He is my Savior. He has me in His hand. No one can snatch me out of that mighty and powerful hand.
So as God instructs, you gotta go. This ain't your ground and you don't belong here anymore. This is holy ground and we will not entertain you here any longer. Resist the devil and he will flee from you--you have been resisted, so goodbye.
Stay off this land it is holy ground. This is where I dwell richly in my Father's love. Where you tried to steal kill and destroy. God made this girl rich, alive, and stronger. This is abundant land and for the abundant life. STAY OFF MY LAND.
God's Girl.
Love this. You go on wicha own bad self, now Girl. :-)
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