Once there was a man in the kingdom who wore the colors of the King. He seemed to be part of the royal family yet a time came when he betrayed those who were his closest brothers and sisters. Then the biggest mistake was made. Instead of bringing honor to the King his main objective became bringing honor to himself. He started to scheme different ways in which he could elevate his position. Deep in His heart he wanted to be King.
Make no mistake; the King will always be the only King. He will never give His glory to another. The King desires the best for His family. Sometimes that may mean that His subjects must wait on Him. He will decide who He elevates and who He leaves low. It is all in the King’s hands, yet misguided subjects often think their way is better than the Kings. After all at times waiting on the King’s timeframe can seem like forever. So self-focus and building their own kingdom comes as the way they believe they will get ahead.
The true subjects of the King know that this way will never work. The King always knocks those down who make it their focus to be above all. In His time the King will correct this, yet again, it takes time. Faithful subjects in the kingdom need to be reminded of this fact because it can be very discouraging to watch the evil rise up while the faithful get knocked down. Yet in their faithfulness to the King, He will restore and make things right. So wait faithful one. Wait on Him. He sees you.
I'm loving your posts on God's Kingdom and how we can learn from other kingdoms. The understanding of the Kingdom of God has been key to my joy and free living. The Church is dear to my heart and I so appreciate Jesus telling us She is His Bride. But when trouble has erupted in churchlife; I am assured as I reflect on who I am in God's Kingdom.
Bless you!!!
i love reading your posts, they *always* show me something I need to learn or be reminded of. :) You're such a blessing and so are your posts! :)
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