I was scared and anxious yet a peace that was beyond understanding was overwhelming me. That indescribable peace kept moving me forward and suddenly I realized I was in. Behind those bars that were so visible and concrete. Locked in another world. Yet that peace kept me moving forward with the courage to take the next step. I knew God had something amazing in store.
Isn't that how God usually wows us? First we must step out on faith. I knew I walked into this situation out of obedience to God. It was His plan not my own.
Soon I was surrounded by a group of inmates. There was nothing different between us except these cold bars. Yet, it could have been me behind them. I have made my share of poor choices in life. I have also been behind some self-imposed invisible bars of my own. We were the same. Women created in God's image. Women who wanted more of God in our lives. Women who wanted the chains to be broken so we could start walking in complete freedom from our previous poor choices.
Each woman who attended was precious. They all desired to learn and study the word for themselves. I was so encouraged and blessed as we shared and discussed God's word together. It was like a precious gift from God to me.
So I thought it would be appropriate to post for Then Sings My Soul Saturday at Amy's the song "Shackles". I liked this video. It is for Freedom that Christ set us free. We worshiped together today with this song. It was so great to see them truly worshiping even in their present circumstances. Now that is true worship.
I have a little award waiting for you at my blog. Come pick it up when you have a free minute!
Hugs, e-Mom
After hearing the testimony last Friday night...I think my heart was softened.
Love this song...
Thanks for a sensitive essay. I've done a little jail ministry, too, and have had similar thoughts. Really makes God's freedom seem so much more precious, too. Thanks!
What a great song and what a valuable ministry!
This song is exactly what I needed to hear this morning. I have felt in prison for several months now and I need to let it all go and give to God. It is time to take the Shackles off and Praise HIM!!
Thanks for using this song to encourage me!
Oh, I love this song! How perfect!
Yes, we were all in Shackles at sometime in our lives, and the enemy continues to try and put us back.
Thank GOD for the freedom we have in Jesus!
Happy Mother's Day!
I love Shackles!!! And, what an amazing story you've shared! It's true that we're all the same - just choices we make. But, God is always there to redeem which is a blessing! Thanks for sharing today!!
This is such a wonderful, fun song of praise!
One of my favorite songs! Glad your conference went well.
Wow...now that was worship.
I have always loved this song, but your post really brought it into a new light. It really must have been a blessing to see the women in the prison praise Him. Awesome!!!
Thanks so much for sharing this today!
Angela & Kara GREAT MINISTRY! God bless you! Now if this song don't make you want to get up and dance & shout praises...nothing will!
What a freeing song...and your comparison was right on! I am so thankful that I am not shackled but have freedom in Christ Jesus!
Thank you Angela for shaking us up!
May you have an aMazing Mother's Day! many blessings...Peggy
Thank you. Thank you for coming and for loving on those women. You being there made that ministry time that much more special. I love laboring shoulder to shoulder with you!
Much love,
This sounds like one awesome experience. My heart breaks for these women. I saw a show once on prison life and even though these people had committed some horrible crimes the feeling of despair and being alone was overwhelming to me. I am glad there are people out there like you who are involved in this. I am interested in it but I don't know if I can handle all this emotion.
You Go My Sistah,
Praise God for the peace He brought to you in that ministry time. Thanks, too, for your example of obedience!
Love you lots!
P.S. Mimi's testimony last Friday changed my perspective on "prisons!" Praise God!!
Fabulous song - I woud love to know more about the 'testimony last Friday night" that others have mentioned. Is this your first visit to the prison - is this a regular ministry for you now??
Thanks all for the sweet comments!
The testimony was from someone who had been there and God changed their lives. She was so sweet. God has done such a wonderful work. It is a wonderful ministry.
I am a volunteer now with this ministry but I am not sure how often that will take me inside. I just fell in love with those women through. They were precious. I just want to go where God leads me, you know. I was just filling in for someone on this day.
My husband and I have always looked forward to doing the jail ministry a few years back, I remember my first time as well, the unknown anticipation of what would happen, or what kind of reception awaited us. Be to say we were blessed hardly describes the way they touched our hearts. to see some of them behind bars yet so free in their spirits was an experience I will never forget.Thanks for sharing this post.. Aloha Lorie
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