Monday, November 12, 2007

Marriage, Duel or Dance

There is a local church in our area where I saw this title to the sermon listed. Marriage, Dual or Dance. I think that is such a great title. Marriage can be a dual or a dance. We talked about submission on Marriage Monday this last week. The fact is wives are on the same team as their husbands, though at times marriage can seem like a dual. Those times in my life it has been that way have been times when I did not let my man lead. I am sure glad things are looking more like a dance now.

My husband and I are going to one of those weekend to remember marriage conferences here soon. It will be 48 hours alone with my man. My kids will be watched and loved by their grandparents. All things are in place, yet I am somewhat scared. Not of leaving my children because they will be in good hands. My fear is coming from being alone with my husband. It has been over six years since we have had more than two hours alone together. Now, I am looking at a full weekend. We are so different now then when we were married. I am scared of that. Scared of what he thinks of me now. What if I am just too different now? All those kinds of worries and thoughts swim around my mind. I know they are all thoughts that need to be taken captive. Thoughts that need to be made obedient to Christ. I know this will just be a great step in our marriage.

When I shared my fears with my man he said that we have God in common and that is all that matters. He knows it will be a great time. His confidence sustains me. It will be worth it.


Susannah said...

What a good title! I'm praying for a break through time for you two during your conference. Hugs, e-Mom :~D

ocean mommy said...

I believe you and Tony will walk away so blessed by this weekend and by God.

love you and praying for this with you.


tammi said...

Wow, I can't believe you've survived 6 years without the occasional date or weekend away!! I think the upcoming conference thing will be wonderful for you and your man. It will give you time to talk, to reacquaint yourselves, and to simply enjoy each other's company without distraction for a change!

Cheri said...

Those are great retreats. I know what you mean though. Suddenly all you have to talk about is the kids. I bet this will be a great time for you two to get to know each other all over again.
I love your husbands statement- perfectly true!

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