Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tiny Talk Tuesday!

Thanks again Mary for hosting this. Tiny talk can be so funny. There are so many funny things I hear and forget but this is what our theme has been lately with dear sweet four year old.

H: Mom, there are a bunch of humans over there! (Statement while we were out and about.)

H: Mom, will there be many humans there? (Asked when talking about taking sister to art class.)

H: I have 4 humans. (Counting her toy dolls).

I am not sure where she got this from--we are not trekkies or anything. It is interesting anyway and kind of funny.

My oldest says:
Mom, why do we have to go to the doctor and get shots everytime its our birthday?

I thought this was funny because those were my exact thoughts. What a great birthday present!


Lori said...

Those are all cute. We are HUMANS.
Too cute.

Cheri said...

So cute- I just love to hear what little ones come up with.

Amy said...

What an excellent point about the shots. I never really thought about that. Very cute tiny talk!

Anonymous said...

This was so cute to read!

Susan Skitt said...

Humans... how cute! I wonder what's going through our kids heads sometimes!

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Humans...that is so funny. YOu have to wonder where they get that stuff.

Faith said...

LOL. Adorable!

BOOO for shots! ;)

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