Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A Day at Chuck E. Cheese


The picture to the right is exactly how I felt yesterday after
our bi-weekly trip to Chuck E. Cheese! My girlfriend
Diana (who took this pic) and I make this journey often! In fact I have some tokens saved up for the next adventure. Click on the link above to view the whole slide show of one of our experiences. She takes out all four of her children and adds them to my two and it makes 6 under five. It has dangerous potential at times. But we are up to the challenge. Plus I think it keeps us on our toes and thinking! It grows and stretches us. It makes us lean on the Lord even more. Plus sometimes you just want to play and what a better excuse than this! Children are definitely a great blessing.

Yesterday on our visit, I had a first. I am not sure why this was a problem since it never has been in the past but my fearless Hannah decided to get scared in the gerbil tunnel. Despite her big sis trying to get her down she would not budge without mommy getting her. So to my best efforts I squeezed myself up the rather long slide fearing it may break any moment to get her. I started the climb up the twisty slide (going against all the rules of don't climb up the slide) to get her. There was no way I was going to fit up the alternative. So during this twisty uphill journey I realized my socks kept me sliding down making this climb very hard. Contorted in this plastic tunnel I am struggling to take my socks off without sliding out. I accomplish this and keep going slow and steady calling out to my baby. Momma is coming just stay still. Listen to my voice I am here. Finally I make it to the top. After several minutes I coax her down the slide with me because there is no way my body could squeeze out the alternative route. She decides to take the slide with me and we come out. The funniest part is that her drama was very loud and many people heard her cries and probably saw me awkwardly venture up there but when we made it down no one said anything. No applause or even eye contact. I thought for sure someone would give me an affirming smile. But nothing. That is okay. We jumped back up and played like usual. The neat thing about all of it was that when Hannah heard my voice and knew I was close, even though she could not see me, she was calm. She patiently waited for me to get to her. God reminded me that He is the same with us. When we hear His voice it calms us, we know He is with us. It is our job to wait on Him and He will rescue us from whatever situation we have gotten ourselves into. He is our Father and He will go any length to come to our rescue when we cry out to Him.


ocean mommy said...

So true! I love you girl, thanks for encouraging me today.

Diana Simpson said...

Girl, you are my inspiration! I love you and don't know what I would do with out our trips together!! love dd

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