Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Book Review: I Used to be So Organized by Whitwer

I received a copy of this book free of charge from the publisher for the purpose of review.

I love the ladies with Proverbs 31 ministries so I knew I wanted to read this book by Glynnis. I also have some issues with organization so I thought it would be a double bonus! It was nice to see her address this topic from a Christian perspective some. There are at times root issues going on when we are extremely disorganized, have you seen the show Hoarders?! Though I am not close to that kind of disorganization, I do need practical advice on better ways to get and stay organized. I think most people could use this advice in our world today.

The book is formatted in an orderly fashion that addresses these things in proper order. You look at how you got that way, setting expectations for yourself and your family, understanding how to organize. Then you are walked through taking a look at where you may be overwhelmed, steps to create order, then practical tips addressing issues room by room. It was over all helpful and interesting for a book on this topic. I also liked the resources she directs you to through out the book.

If you have problems with organization this book could be helpful for you to read.

To get a copy of this book from Amazon you can go here.

1 comment:

Hannah Bailey said...

I found this book both encouraging and helpful. Still working on everything, but this is a good start. I plan to keep it for reference

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