Women need to unite and stand for this movement of truth. Biblical womanhood is what we have been created for and called too. It is a beautiful thing. Not overbearing. Not wimpy as John Piper describes it. There is a happy balance to true womanhood and it doesn't look anything like our current culture.
Chapter one of this book was written by John Piper. He states that, "wimpy theology makes wimpy women....Wimpy theology simply does not give a woman a God who is big enough, strong enough, wise enough, and good enough to handle the realities of life in a way that magnifies the infinite worth of Jesus Christ." He goes on to state about wimpy theology is, "plagued by woman-centeredness and man-centeredness." The only way to overcome this is by being Christ-centered.
Being created as a woman is a beautiful thing. It is to bring glory to the God in an unique way that only women can. Men are made for their own glory bearing ways. We are not complete without one another in Christ to bring the fullest glory to God. Good stuff to ponder. Standing in awe of our amazing Creator who knew what He was doing. He is amazing.
Whew - I was so worried about where this book was going when you said that John Piper describes biblical womanhood as wimpy. (I was so glad to find out that I was putting emphasis on the wrong words in the sentence.)
You have piqued my curiosity with your review. I'll put this on my "need to read" list!
This sounds like an interesting book dear friend. I visited the link to their site as well.
If it draws women deeper in relationship with GOD through the truth of His Word then I'm always for that.
I love your heart!
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