This journey is challenging because LOT of things contain some sort of milk product, however there are many great alternatives. Then some things just need to be given up anyway. The trade off is great so far. I am finally healing. My immune system has been so weakened now is the time to rebuild. I am taking a natural approach to this through supplements and diet. So far so good. One other thing I notice is that I have more energy.

Another food I have had to say goodbye to might surprise you. I seriously had to go through some mourning for this one. I really love tomatoes. Always have. However, I am noticing after I eat too much of this my joints ache very badly. Again it is not worth the trade off. I want better health and to feel better. It is amazing to me to find out all the things different foods do to our bodies if we just paid attention to them.

Lastly, the thing I cut way down on but not all the way because it seems impossible now. Refined sugars are in most everything process but greatly suppress the immune system as well.
This journey is tough but I look forward to journaling to progress. Please share if you have gone through or are going through a similar thing.
Dr. Ramsey also encouraged me to give these things up along with grains. That is very hard. I have done it for just 2 days. I feel good also. We shall see. I will do anything at this point.
Girl I get it!!
Hang in there and keep it up! Let's encourage one another as we take this journey to better health! Curse that Lyme disease! :)
Love ya!
Oh I like - I like very much - like a refreshing drink in a desert! A bit like you really :)
And WELL DONE!! Truly amazing - I want so much to cut out refined sugar - truly I do but when my man arrives home with a BIG jar of Nutella - I can't help but eat it by the spoon full - ugh but good. So I'll be reading your posts.
Keep it up you are doing so well xxxx
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